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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  2. Right now we dont have a rep system, peaches and i are talking about it so we should have it in the near future! And if you scroll down more on the points tab, you can purchase a member title, display name, and we are currently getting more, but we are about to get a new skin so sit tight! <3
  4. It wasnt me wow dark, i never went on your account and i never changed your post count, why would i even do that? If i wanted your post count changed i could do it myself on my account, there is no need for me to need your password and username
  5. Tooo muchhh noiseeeee
  6. Thanks for all that guys
  7. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/Swilrytwirly.png CnC
  8. I keep refreshing and it wont play im pissed
  9. what the hell it wont play >.>
  10. And me for convincing him
  11. This isnt invisionfree, this is the real ipb that costs 360$
  12. Yay!!!!
  13. I did 3 days of work too
  14. Sorry ill fix it <3
  15. Yea, we spent alot of time on this i hope you guys enjoy it <3
  16. Yep This will be better than ever! <3
  17. Yep here it is, brand new Add "♥" to your name/sig :] Change your name by pressing "Points(up top), change display name" Costs 400 points! <3
  18. Updated :]
  19. These are the mods i have installed -iPoints How to use: Each time you post a reply in a topic you get 1 point (depending on the forum) And each time you post a new topic you get 1-3 points (depending on the thread). Once you have gotten enough points, on the top header next to the member and search button, there will be a "Points" button, click that and depending on the amount of points you have, you can but things that have been set in. Enjoy! -Shoubox Description: Self explanitory -Ultimate Bot Blocker Description: Asks a question only a human would know on registration field. -Active users today Description: This mod allows you to show how many users have been active bit like members online today just it doesnt list the members so it wont slow your board down and it looks very natural under the newest member link.. -Member Legend Description: Shows the Legend for the Colors, eg: Red = Owner And for the points one, i need you guys to pm me the number of posts you have and ill make you have the correct amount of points (If your interested) iBotPeaches has added... -Dynamic Meta Tags Mod -Download Script Mod -Proxy Blocker Mod -Arcade Mod -Portal recent post mod (Portal not done yet) -Affiliate Mod -SEO Mod -Invisible Topic Remover Mod -Ad mod sorry melo. I had to show I installed more. Laxmonster54 Made and installed -User group images/ranks sorry I wanted to be on the list.
  20. Hi hoe Enjoy your stay, and im sure by reading the many tutorials we have in the h3 section you will be well on your way to modding
  21. This is false.
  22. Wait explain your problem once more but with much more detail please <3
  23. thats nice bro but whats the difference of v1 and v2?
  24. yea i brought this up like 10000 years ago noone listens >:{
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