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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. I won, topic closed
  2. Voting ends, 10:00 mountain time, whoever has the most votes wins Taking to long
  3. Awe how sweet Nielsssssssss will love it Like i said before, theres really nothing to CnC about animations haha There just awesome
  4. Can i see what you started with? It looks awesome
  5. Well i lol'd so you win But! You need to bend the things in more, like the bow tie, you can really tell that its just slapped on
  6. Utah, america
  7. What level are you? I dont know what the seargent and stuff is level wise, Im a lvl 9 haha Soon to be 50 though
  8. .MeLo♥


  9. .MeLo♥


  10. Haha man that sucks Your site blocks gaming? BOOOOO
  11. Nice photomanip man Its good now but im sure if you spent more time you could make it amazing
  12. O why thank you young lax Well, i had a cool idea to make worlds drifting down the water, then i lost interest
  13. Whats what inthe water? And why the triple dot? :'(
  14. Maybe? Come on man im beggin ya :')
  15. Whoa, this is definently your best Nice pen tool
  16. Kinda plain But i like the colors Text is too simple
  17. You guys add me, im too busy raping halo ass
  18. Having this exact same problem Its blocking me at my house :'( But if i use a proxy it works
  19. K Im waiting for you to add me
  20. Lol then add me Btw, im up for the SVE
  21. .MeLo♥

    Gift for lex

    The person that requested a sig xD
  22. aa nvm it was moved xD Love you deathgrip
  23. .MeLo♥

    Gift for lex

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