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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. No if you made all your work as good as the gears of war one (which was still novice) then maybe, but right now it is clear that you need to practice more
  2. Thanks I guess you like simple Thats cool just as long as i temporarily helped xD
  3. When you say bottom right to you mean bottom left? o.O
  4. now that is what i call awsome i would have it on my site its so good
  5. wow justrec thats really good
  6. Its good but the text kills it Closed, me and lax won
  7. K, tell me what else you want or what needs changing p.s. I think the dimensions you gave are not correct, but ill leave that to you
  8. Uh oh, the triple dot Whats wrong?
  9. Yayayayy
  10. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23489-251.jpg That is your best You have really improved Im proud of you :')
  11. Ill do it or at least try it
  12. First one Why not just get photoshop? o.o
  13. If your question was, "Is it possible to do animations with photoshop?" Then yes. Its not impossible Ive done it...
  14. should be in off topic it made me have a stomach ache :[
  15. Why would peaches say that... You guys take things way too seriously. It was a joke lmao. He did make it up... But it was a pretty straight forward joke. When you say pretty straight forward do you mean its true?
  16. First to 10 win
  17. w0000ttt Do it now
  19. .MeLo♥

    OK KID!!!

  20. Its pretty cool Kinda tell its fake though especially the mouth
  21. .MeLo♥


    These are from like 500 years ago
  22. .MeLo♥

    Gift for eli

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21616-334.png Border was set on inches when i ment pixels
  23. .MeLo♥

    Gift for eli

    Um theres no animals o.O
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