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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. honestly i dont know how lax is winning his is super monotone, has a gross grundge effect and is his worst other than that wanted one D1CE's is amazing and should win imo
  2. .MeLo♥


    make a $%#^%# tut right now for http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31733-32.png
  3. .MeLo♥


    CESAR!! YAYAYAYAA!! your a $%#^%# god <3
  4. idk this has to be ripped XDD Its really good bro
  5. Your best has great depth and nice smudging, the render doesnt stand out, they dont know what they are talking about xD I like the border, it looks expertly done
  6. .MeLo♥


    Thanks for the feedback collab was with albers from tech gfx
  7. .MeLo♥


    A colllllabbbbbb http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30870-12.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30870-13.png CnC
  8. .MeLo♥

    New Halo Tag.

    i like it man sweet smudge on the white cloud thingy i like the pen tool and circle just dont like the smallness of it buts its unique make more like that and you will be in gfx in no time
  9. They are called "Demotivational" :]
  10. and licked his
  11. v1 is gfx team material If you made all your sigs like that you will be pro no time v2 and v3 are too monotone, watch for that great job man
  12. What are your views on Halo 3 modding? I think its lame and ruins halo What exactly does this "Con Resigner" do to help modders mod Halo 3? Helps it so people can sign there maps and mod there screenshots, $%#^%# lame What other tools are required in order to mod Halo 3? Rehasher, and hex thingys, xsata, xport, and other s*** Could you briefly describe the steps it takes in order to mod a Halo 3 map? No idea, i dont dabble in h3 modding Do you think it was the right decision for the "Con Resigner" to get released to the public? @#%$ no, ruined it for all of us Do you think that Bungie will be able to stop modders dead in there tracks from modding Halo 3? Maybe, if they listen to what TheEazyB tells them to do For modders, what do you think is the next step to modding Halo 3?
  13. that is so awesome i love him
  14. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/30118-75.png All pen tool me and laxy waxy
  15. Thanks!! :]] I used alot of different layers, with different layer settings of the same layers duplicated ripple on color dodge with another one on overlay is one i used alot Ill release the .psd soon
  16. Can i have that .gif maker please?
  17. na thats cool man!! except for the fact that his body is chopped
  18. I dont know what you mean crop the bottom bit you do it
  19. Yea, the render was HUGE i made it a tad too small :[ i could probably crop it and see what it looks like *edit*: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29814-95.png better?
  20. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29808-97.png [IMG=http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/assass.png] <3 CnC *edit* If youwant to learn from it ill post the psd and someone can make a tut
  21. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29778-98.png Meh i dont really like it, hopefully lax's comes out cooler
  22. Lol they made me laugh
  23. I just used arial
  24. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29353-116.png CnC
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