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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. I think they are the remakes of the halo 2 for halo 3
  2. I like the second better because it shows better depth Lovely, just lovely
  3. Hahaha then make some anarchy stuff on drugs
  4. Yea, i rather get them off dA haha
  5. .MeLo♥


    Or just read a easy ass tut and then do it in GIMP
  6. Because gundams are sexy man
  7. Most likely the creators of the product (adobe) Just testing out there stuff and HOPING there isnt a virus, but unforutnate for them , THEY FOUND ONE D:
  8. Probably some rich mistress haha
  9. Wait these are maps form halo 2? whattttt?
  10. I dont even have like, a gfx card that is CLOSE to being good, so i downloaded the nvidia graphics thing and it works fine , and its free!
  11. Nice tut peaches thanks for the share, seems pretty easy to follow
  12. No they dont work on XP, ive tried it before
  13. well happy bday
  14. Haha it is pretty good, you just blurred the focal for some odd reason
  15. I agree with this, its not a matter of life or death for new maps lmao
  16. Theres a topic for this now FE lets just close this..
  17. Yea, i dont really follow up on the whole "clan" thing
  18. Yea , you cant do anarchy styles unless your either A: Super high B: Super Drunk C: On "E"
  19. .MeLo♥

    Crazy Avatars

    Haha thats so funny, poor old lad
  20. What is WAYYY to much to EVER spend on a cat in my opinion haha
  21. Stay on topic please
  22. My bizzle i was unaware there are hiding clans....
  23. Wow, great list thanks for this man! My brother will be greatly appreciated
  24. Actually you can unlock it My cousin got his unlocked for verizon, BY verizon, so they wouldnt hack the iphone illegally JUST to unlock it
  25. I own a bluehost, that im willing to share with any one, thats worthy of course just pm me
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