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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. i was not flaming i was just giving my opinion
  2. Hmm well we alll know what google is and we all know who apple is so i personally would have the G1 as i dont really like apple but yhe google rock's
  3. Sorry to say this but it looks s*** does not go well with the background and looks like you did it in paint.net
  4. yep active rockets and a film mod not hard at all
  5. Sorry i think it looks s*** and dont lie dan u used paint.net not hard to do with that is it LoL not photoshop :S
  6. i hate all of them as there just a waste of time but if i had to choose one i would choose recaptcha:)
  7. Hum a little competition as i already posted about a modding service and any way why xsata's are like $10 so you may as well buy one of them instead LoL and videos suck any way so yha no i think il do it my self
  8. Free running is a sport i think that is good i mite start to do that LoL only as a beginner no jumping off of buildings LoL
  9. Ok it said you can download it from the info part LoL listen next time
  10. Yhe stop bumping as the video does not even work LoL may as well delete the post or lock it so no one gets any spam posts for this
  11. Think il rather pay for the halo 3 legendary game just to get the helmet LoL
  12. Yes this seems to be happing to a lot of people i cant watch my modded films and its a bit weird i dont know why but they dont work any more (with the programs any way) hex editing may work but i dont no as i cant be bothered to see if it does
  13. wow dec is firefox u can make ur own pages not really hacking is it LoL and not very hard
  14. im sure iv seen this like last year its old iv done this before LoL not hard bad mod
  15. Ok first i dont see the point in all of these 1 or 2 was ok. And seconded the pic is s*** and the video is not ever there seems pointless
  16. So u wanna do all this to change your IP when you can go into your router setting's and change it there or just put on a dynamic IP LoL no i tink il do it the easy way.
  17. Its not hard LoL not long
  18. Well yes you can do it with a Dev Kit. But if you are trying to do it with say just a hex editor and a con resigner that sort of thing then it may be possible. It may be hidden/encrypted it would take some time to find but if found you may be able to do it....saying you dont get banned.
  19. wow i would make people pay to get there names changed LoL like you have to pay to change your gamer tag
  20. Mcmodder♥

    Blue shadz

    LoL turned my anti-virus off to what it is and its so funny btw i posted what this was like a week ago
  21. ya Im very good with computers in general including building maintenace hex C# and VB
  22. you should try a more efficient code mine would have worked As for this i havent read through it very thoroughly might answer when i next come back to site
  23. Yes i may work but if that account gets taken back all the games will go to trials.
  24. Mcmodder♥

    CoD WaW Mod

    i would like to be in that
  25. No i have tried it were u just download the game on one account on the others it's just a trial so thats why i do it like this.
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