Hum a little competition as i already posted about a modding service and any way why xsata's are like $10 so you may as well buy one of them instead LoL and videos suck any way so yha no i think il do it my self
Yes this seems to be happing to a lot of people i cant watch my modded films and its a bit weird i dont know why but they dont work any more (with the programs any way) hex editing may work but i dont no as i cant be bothered to see if it does
So u wanna do all this to change your IP when you can go into your router setting's and change it there or just put on a dynamic IP LoL no i tink il do it the easy way.
Well yes you can do it with a Dev Kit. But if you are trying to do it with say just a hex editor and a con resigner that sort of thing then it may be possible. It may be hidden/encrypted it would take some time to find but if found you may be able to do it....saying you dont get banned.
you should try a more efficient code mine would have worked As for this i havent read through it very thoroughly might answer when i next come back to site