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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. Have you checked to see if you're forwarding any ports?
  2. They're all sexy except the second one... It phailz.
  3. You can find those kinds all over the internet.
  4. It's on Cold Storage and therefor it fails.
  5. This will be good for un-corruptifying all my Halo 3 saves, thank you.
  6. 0xidium

    FallOut 3 mods

    How do I know my items HP?
  7. You just bumped it again lol.
  8. Happened to me a couple times too.
  9. Sir, yes Sir.
  10. I've heard I should do that however I am without a copy of Halo 2.
  11. Um... Okay so what does this do? I'm just seeing words, numbers, and colons so I don't understand the point.
  12. I wish I knew how to do any of this.
  13. I am so confused.
  14. T3AB4GG3R117 for President!
  15. 0xidium

    Modified XEX

    You edited, cheater.
  16. 0xidium

    Modified XEX

    Musta been backwards.
  17. 0xidium

    Modified XEX

    If I'm a midget I can haz dev-kit? That explains how Anthony got one.
  18. You fail and so does he for spelling recon with a "v".
  19. 0xidium

    Modded Film

    Oh lol I TRIED to watch it and that sir is just @%#$ed up lol.
  20. No, it mods the name not the GT.
  21. I've only known CONcept to work with the KV's it came with and the online one still works.
  22. 0xidium

    Fallout DLC

    On the PC you can mod it so that the level cap goes beyond 20. I wonder if that would be possible on the 360...
  23. 0xidium

    Fallout DLC

    Looks frikkin sweet lol.
  24. 0xidium


    Lmao. :')
  25. Your friend's a lying *********.
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