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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. 0xidium


    I lol'd.
  2. 0xidium


    Fake it. That's what I do I put in a random address and number.
  3. Yarly you said the game has nothing to do with recon and it does because the marine has to go on a reconnaissance mission. No it'd be Halo 2½ because it take place before Halo 3 but after Halo 2.
  4. Sorry, I too signed up quite some time ago.
  5. Modded usermaps lol.
  6. Only connection host sees it and I think it only stays one round but I haven't modded Halo 3 in forever. Edit: 117 posts
  7. 0xidium

    Text to binary

    01001001001000000111010101110011011001010010000001001110011001010111010000100000 010101000110111101101111011011000111001100100000011000010110111001100100001000000 111100101101111011101010010000001100001011100100110010100100000011100000110100001 100001011010010110110000100000011011000110111101101100001000000110101000101111011 010110010000001100010011101010111010000100000011100110110010101110010011010010110 111101110101011100110110110001111001001000000111100101101111011101010010000001110 100011011110110111101101011001000000111010001101001011011010110010100100000011101 000110111100100000011001000110010101100011011011110110010001100101001000000111010 001101000011010010111001100101100001000000111010001101000011000010110111001101011 001000000111100101101111011101010010000001101100011011110110110000101110
  8. 0xidium


    I've had RocketDock for like a year it comes with Vista Inspirat.
  9. LOL false.
  10. Dunno about sentinels but I've been surfing monitors for quite some time... Spartans too although they're slower...
  11. Are you kidding? I hope you figured this out long before you posted it because this has been known on Game Tuts for months.
  12. Lol a bit late there.
  13. 0xidium

    New Staff

  14. It r ub3r f41lz?
  15. Actually you can have more than one command to a button. This topic is a complete fail a tutorial was leaked and people still cant figure their own **** out. Use google, the pc and 360 versions of cod really arent that different. And it's "give all" not give "all".
  16. Oh yeah.
  17. .bind BUTTON_BACK "kill"
  18. Burning would be a waste of a good blank disk.
  19. Lmaorofl.
  20. It aint patched at all. Anything that is you just gotta be host I know its not patched I'm doing it now lol. And another string is .bind BUTTON_BACK "say (msg here) " <--- Displays a msg in top left screen.
  21. I know that.
  22. :''''''''''') LMFAO.
  23. 0xidium

    Proof to slip

  24. 2017 A year that will never exist. =]
  25. I just lold in rl yes all presidents are grown in test tubes in underground military lab facilities. =']
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