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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. .bind BUTTON_BACK "noclip" .bind BUTTON_BACK "ufo" .bind BUTTON_BACK "give_all" .bind BUTTON_BACK "god" .bind BUTTON_BACK "timescale 10.0"
  2. set playlist "8".set category "0".set categoryPlaylist "8".set motd "Check out the awesome new community features on CallOfDuty.com - compare your multiplayer stats against other players!".set customclass1 "Custom 1".set customclass2 "Custom 2".set customclass3 "Custom 3".set customclass4 "Custom 4".set customclass5 "Custom 5".set prestigeclass1 "Custom 6".set prestigeclass2 "Custom 7".set prestigeclass3 "Custom 8".set prestigeclass4 "Custom 9".set prestigeclass5 "Custom 10"..c.?.z...................set gpad_buttonsConfig "buttons_default".set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1".set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1".set r_gamma "1".set snd_menu_voice "1".set snd_menu_music "1".set snd_menu_sfx "1".set snd_menu_master "1".set snd_cinematicVolumeScale "1".set party_privacyStatus "0".set geographicalMatchmaking "0".set input_invertPitch "0".set input_viewSensitivity "1".set input_autoAim "1".set team_indicator "0".set cg_mature "1".set gpad_rumble "1".set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default".set clanName "iMod"
  3. Unknown r 1337 smart.
  4. 0xidium


    Lol thanks guys and so ya know it's actually my 16th birthday.
  5. I signed, #48. Dark Legacy made fun of my dead mother.
  6. -Edit- I inserted a string into the area of my profile above the WaW info with all the dots but it didn't work so yeah but now my clan tag is "Shit" if I'm just supposed to insert strings I'm probably just putting them in the wrong place but idk.
  7. Also I heard the patches are already out so who should care if its leaked?
  8. -Edit- Nvm.
  9. I'm thinking its in the profile? set sv_lastSaveGame "savegame.svg".set cg_subtitles "1".set takeCoverWarnings "6".set cheat_points "5".set cheat_items_set1 "34344992".set cheat_items_set2 "0".set s0 "0".set s1 "0".set s2 "0".set s3 "0".set s4 "0".set s5 "0".set s6 "0".set s7 "0".set s8 " Idk
  10. And the pixelated hole in your back means you were raped by pacman?
  11. Nvm
  12. Nvm
  13. If a patch is coming soon how the hell will leaking this ruin the game?
  14. So it's not in the profile and not in the save? Should I save cod 4 to my HDD and be looking at the disk files?
  15. So there's 95% of noobs who like slig, 5% of noobs who don't, then an isolated 5% that aren't noobs and also hate slig?
  16. You said "95% of noobs" wouldn't that mean the other 5% are still noobs?
  17. Wouldn't that still make you a noob though?
  18. I r haz nao.
  19. Actually that seems to time consuming so I'll just wait for somebody to leak it. =\
  20. I'mma grab my save and see what I can figure out.
  21. I'd give it a few days.
  22. I knew it! Just like World at War I'll bet.
  23. That's what I wanted to know. =\
  24. What's happening here about match making mods?
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