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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. Isn't it under mach? Idk.
  2. 0xidium


    I think he meant before it was patched.
  3. I posted this program in that tut that DarkRuler stole...
  4. Not hard to hex but still a nice app.
  5. That was some funny shit.
  6. But now who will make me waffles just the way I like them?
  7. I'mma make mine pitch black lol.
  8. Who thought that?
  9. So are all the people that think they're staff!
  10. He's not the one leaving, Lewie is so the only one of those that refers to him is the stupid speech 1000 dollar thing.
  11. 0xidium

    Avatar Crap

    You're a beast.
  12. I thought you just use the campaign resigner.
  13. I misread the title...
  14. 0xidium

    Avatar Crap

    He'll release it out here. o-O
  15. No offense to you but it's spelled offense and if it makes you feel better I understood what it was from the beginning.
  16. He just got double pwn'd.
  17. And I've gotten all of those to show up for me... Hell I have my mom, dad, dogmeat, like 25 Jerichos, oasis trees, Herbert (although he doesn't talk to you and keeps telling you to come around to his face when you're looking right at it), controlled deathclaws, liberty prime's, and Nukalurks safely tucked away in my pocket.
  18. It really disappoints me that you guys are in the past. Everything that you're figuring out now was figured out months ago and as for Tylers save it is a PC save that was converted to a 360 save. Tyler did not convert it himself. He doesn't do much at all himself.
  19. 0xidium

    Avatar Crap

    I'd be all over this if I wasn't in Florida and my Xbox wasn't stolen. :/
  20. Agreed, dev ftl.
  21. The banner is pretty plain but the rest is pretty beast.
  22. Btw I seriously just lol'd in rl.
  23. Hello mam, how would you like to come back to my place and engage in sexual intercourse with me?
  24. Read pl0x? It's not a mod. Here you can haz my reading glasses.
  25. What'd you edit? =.=
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