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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. 0xidium

    My 2nd Photoshop

    Pretty beast, bro. Course his right shoulder could use a tad less blur.
  2. 0xidium


    Me: Who are you? Me: God: I haven't read anything by Weiner. What did he write? Me: Nothing. He doesn't exist. God: Not a thing? And you would like him to exist ? Me: How do I get past the Call of Duty 4 patch? God: First tell me why you want it. Me: So I can mod. God: How can I help you? Oh you can, can you? Me: I want to mod Call of Duty 4. God: Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Me: No. God: What would you rather talk about? Me: Call of Duty 4. God: Not many people want to talk about that. Me: Well you can shut up. God: How about that. No I don't think I can do it. Me: Why'd you let my mom die? God: It was determined by my programming. Me: Kk. God: Are we still talking about shut up? Me: No. God: What is the subject? Me: Do you smoke weed? God: We test it for medical purposes. Me: Is it okay if I smoke weed? God: Better not tell you now. Ask Ally if it is. Me: Who the hell's Ally? God: She is a chat robot based on AIML. Me: Ah. God: Ah hah. Me: Ah hah hah. God: So you understand. Good. I am so glad you find this amusing, . Me: Stfu. God: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: Stfu. God: What kind of food do you like? Me: I'm a cannibal. God: You are a cannibal? Do you get to meet a lot of people? Me: No I eat them... God: Are you serious? How does it taste? Me: Delicious. God: Ask me another question.
  3. 0xidium


    Ummm... Interesting.
  4. I ment no ban not now ban... For some reason the edit button isn't working...
  5. Likewise my service tag has been I17 for months now and now ban plus people pay me to do it for them lol. And to V3NOM's extremely old post that I forgot to reply to having a number as the first character in your service tag doesn't corrupt the profile, it just changes the service tag to something else when you load Halo 3.
  6. I think he got the point after the first post...
  7. Dan is win. Nomical is fail.
  8. Lol it's a tut on taking good screenshots.
  9. Seems a tad like common sense but still a great tut.
  10. 0xidium

    Vanity 2.0

  11. Flooding your router gives you no advantage whatsoever it just makes the game **** and it is in no way similar to the effects of a lag switch.
  12. Doesn't appear to have very good reach...
  13. I did it on Windows Vista Ultimate...
  14. Yeah... It's coming in June not August...
  15. If you can find the right place to put it perhaps but other than that I tried a looooooooooooooooong time ago as in before you even posted your stolen tut.
  16. 0xidium

    Halo 3: ODST

    You noticed that on 1:17 lol.
  17. It'll work with a 8 mb profile, it worked with my 11 mb profile.
  18. I r haz avast too. It's easy to disable what are you talkin' about? Right click the avast tray icon and click "Stop on-access protection" lets you do whatever you want.
  19. Why does every one call Rogue rouge?
  20. Avalanche = Bigger
  21. There's tuts all over the place.
  22. I didn't know leader boards could be modded through saves...
  23. How dare you I already said this lol.
  24. Actually the answer to all of these is yes. You just need the item in your inventory then hex it and usually the NPC or World Object is in the misc section of your inventory...
  25. Yes it's been on Game-Tuts for a very long time and all things you're talking about testing has been done. Liberty Prime is an NPC, you just hex an item into him and drop it and I really feel like you stole this and are taking credit for it but hey that's just me, and a fun thing to drop is friendly death claws although they attack everything but you and your followers. You should also check out Pimpin Tylers save on YouTube it's a converted PC save containing things you wouldn't begin to be able to fathom. Edit: This was discovered in March and there has already been 3 programs created regarding it. Save ID Finder - Turk645 Fallout 3 Save Editor - Complicator The Modio VIP Fallout 3 Tool - Game Tuts
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