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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. 0xidium


    And "send me recon armor"? What kind of retard are you?
  2. 0xidium


    You're a $%#^%# faggot. You're probably one of those bitches who tries to give themselves recon by putting their Halo 3 disk in their computer then opening a film editor. You $%#^%# retard you can't "write" an account to give yourself recon. You lack a brain now never get on ibotmodz again.
  3. Seems stupid enough and I feel special because I read this at the same time as shade45.... I always feel special when someone's with me but doesn't know it... (spam)
  4. You can host boot with a DOS tool?
  5. And I think you meant that the other way around lol.
  6. Okay but what would happen if you had items on the map, would they just get deleted or like would it just change the map to the original version of the map you were changing it to? Oh and would it show blackouts image when you loaded it in foundry? And what what would happen if you did this but didn't have the new maps? (not that I don't have them)I ask alot of questions...
  7. So does it change the picture of the map when you're loading it or is it when you click start game it just starts a different map?
  8. No, it is a .map mod I'm pretty sure Anthony or someone made it idk it was made on a dev kit though.
  9. And I can't even tell what the plugin thing is supposed to do...
  10. It's ghey as far as I know you have to change the tag index number to something different with know way of knowing what it is until you change it...
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