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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. Memories provoked by this place make me sad
  2. Anyone wanna buy bots that aren't running dial-up?
  3. Holy dicknipples this site still exists?
  4. This shit's revolutionary you dickbutt.
  5. If you ask me I'd say it's about time. Here read this. It must be really frustrating to have a cap on your friends list for the Xbox Live. If you want to know the real reason why you can't have your 101th friend, it's because of Halo 2. Yes, the Xbox original is still haunting XBL, thanks to the power of its solid community. According to G4TV, because Halo 2 fans are still at it in the original XBL, Microsoft just can't go and upgrade the friends cap for the new XBL. Not getting the connection? Here's the thing: the original XBL really can't handle having more than 100 friends; it just wasn't built that way. The new XBL can, though. The "technical obstacle" that Microsoft was referring to when they explained why the new XBL is capped at 100 friends would actually be Halo 2. For them to up the friends cap on the new XBL, Microsoft would have to ditch support for Halo 2 online. And seeing how popular the game remains to be, it's just bad business call to dump something that many people are obviously enjoying, and thereby raking in profits for the company. Why not just release a patch for it? Well it's not that simple either, cos if it were the only problem, MS would have most likely released one already. G4TV's insider source also said that there is no definite time as to when MS will disable support for Halo 2, but it could probably happen after the release of Halo 3: ODST. If you want to expedite and ensure this, however, you need to voice out what you want. I sense an Online Petition coming on then. At least now you know what's the real reason for the cap, and knowing is always half the battle.
  6. Banned + Pwned = Bwned.
  7. Ya rly.
  8. Useless but thanks anyways.
  9. 0xidium

    Account Editor.

    When did we get cool people like Cheater and Jester on iBM?
  10. It haz teh 1337 leaked Profile Editor! But I gotz it before I went there. People just like being there for the satisfaction of being on an invite only site. I know I do.
  11. Rofl no prob and I'mma try it once I get back from mai dadz.
  12. Lol a random kid that I had known for 2 minutes gave me his invite for free.
  13. Your first video that I don't consider to be garbage! (That's a complement)
  14. 0xidium

    Rap Chop

    Meh it's only 2 months old.
  15. 0xidium

    Rap Chop

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWRyj5cHIQA I rofl'd.
  16. Just your normal profile...
  17. 0xidium


    Or that.
  18. Well you posted it saying you found it two months after it was discovered...
  19. This is old as hell and everyone already knows the codes are superuser or developeruser...
  20. I r 16 and my B-Day's in April.
  21. 0xidium

    Fallout 3 WTF

    Lost, it's a graphics glitch. Happens all the time.
  22. You guys wanna maybe stop posting in this now?
  23. Lol Homer Simpson.
  24. And that's coming from Mr. Random himself.
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