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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. Idk about this but the leaked profile tool is phail anyway considering all the achievements unlock but your GS has no change whatsoever which seems kinda detectable to me. Actually I think I heard that Super modders full tool doesn't even change GS... doesn't sound worth the wad of dough he charges for it.
  2. Pwnd.
  3. This is pretty useless considering the fact that basically all CON resigners do the exact same thing...
  4. Korupt and Khaos are both shmexy.
  5. Idiot...
  6. I came here so fast I s*** myself, I hate you.
  7. 0xidium


    I <3 your 1337 bumpage.
  8. Wow, did I really say that?
  9. They got it on maxconsole lmao.
  10. Halo Wars=Teh phail.
  11. You can lick my butt lol.
  12. That makes no sense whatsoever.
  13. It's been said that this is impossible countless times...
  14. What's the file size limit for Haxalots rehasher?
  15. I don't even know what to say about this...
  16. 0xidium

    The Pitt

    You're all on crack because we all know New York DLC would pwn Michigan and New Orleans.
  17. I too am a part of this community!
  18. My phone is a Samsung R550 JetSet and yes unfortunately I'm on Cricket. http://www.itechnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/cricket-samsung-jetset-sch-r550-clamshell.jpg
  19. Clans are gay in general...
  20. So... um... there's obviously some point I'm not getting.
  21. I thought that was what they came from. Sometimes on Sand Trap when you're out of the map you'll see a spartan laser tracer beam follow you for like 1 second and it comes from the eggs, happened to me twice while I was alone.
  22. Pretty sweet but I still prefer Xport.
  23. That's the spirit!
  24. 0xidium

    FallOut 3 mods

    No modding on the 360 version of anything is ever as good as it is on PC versions because the PC is far more exploitable and nowhere near as challenging as the 360.
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