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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ

  1. How do you change the Id's to xport it onto the 360 i have a transfer cable so thats fine but not sure how to change id help plz Sorry i actually forgot i posted it in help section i haven't even looked at help section in a while wait a second did i actually ask that question on ibotmodz i thought i asked that question on Xbotampers i no i asked a question about my transfer cable but i don't rember asking the question above on this site umm.. :confused: I have went through every post i have ever made and i can not find anywhere accept here asking how to make chenge the id I have asked that question on Xboxtamper but not here I have asked various questions about transfer cables i do not know what your talking about double post LOL im dumb i just now read the quote above your speech my bad sorry i will delete that, dang i just wasted 20 minis looking for a post about id's
  2. Would a Xbox 360 transfer cable be able to put maps on the hard drive and actually make it playable? and if so how would u do it? looks like this! ALSO Site is now working send me straight to Ibotmodz homepage i would check that out
  3. I helped make the tentacles and I helped with V2 which i like, V3 was a mess up though (Freezes Xbox) But I thank this is currently the best Cold Storage map Available, And Razor i though u were not going to give until the contest with u and the other guy was over, anyway Great map
  4. Someone told me that it also scans your recent games and your library is this true and if so can u get banned for trading in custom?
  5. Yeah i just got that one that was posted on this site I also got another unrelease (can't give unreleased version) but i have no link yet sorry if anyone whould put it on fileshare i would show
  6. It's now Sunday Afternoon do u know when today u will release this becuase by tomorrow it may be inpossible to put mods on filesahre and i would like to have time to download it while mods r still possible to post on fileshare
  7. Wow where do i begin i have so many favortie mods here is some of my favorite but btw I love last recongning but i like the snow/fog test better (made by same guy just updated) but anyway heres my top 10 favorite mpas (may not be in actual order) 1- OceaniaÃâä on Last resort 2- Snow/Fog test on Guardian 3- X-Treme RaceÃâä on Last Resort 4- Ub3rly Bouncey on sandtrap 5- darktrap on sandtrap 6- Stov T 00aaa on snowbound 7- Disney LandÃâä on Valhalla 8- Tree CityÃâä on Valhalla 9- Troop hog on the pit 10- pit Sxey Time mod on the pit (most of my favorite links are mentioned but for al list of 219 mods go to http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.p...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a if u haven't already enjoy
  8. Thanks, Im gonna go threw all links again i will be done in the next hour
  9. Hey Sweet gametypes but could u make a invisible misslepod with instant respond or a flamethrower start with instand resond and make either one with 200 % speed so u can walk like normal and if u make these can u release them or at least to me plz
  10. I love this map a freind showed it to me, (I also like another unreleased version which has like 30 screens instead of 3 which i like better)
  11. Check u link the map varinet is not working
  12. Ok i added it and i checked it out, thanks for the support and helping me find some more mods to add to this list
  13. thanks to Rejected Shotgun for showing me how to do this u can drive the troop hog it only takes about 5 mins here what u do (btw only works for best connection guy) Step 1- blow up a troop hog step 2- go to opposite side of map step 3- wait for about 3 mins step 4- go to troophog if responed in same spot as u destroyed it u can drive it (if ur connection host)
  14. Sorry but umm can u give me a link with it on someone's fileshare and i will add it
  15. Thank You Very much i am glad we were back online thanks alot for what u did and enjoy tonight sleep ???? what happen I went to URL at about 3 p.m. working then at 4:30 p.m and said Http does not exist which usually mean a site was deleted me confused and now back up what happen?
  16. Nice work Dark Slipstream one of the best released flooded maps i have seen. I love it
  17. Yeah i no but i made this forum before i talked to him and actually i now have a map with a moded spiral thing so i guess it can be done
  18. Sweet mod one of the best i have seen and i have seen just about all I like the fact that u combine just about everything onto this one map and my favorite is the purple walkway
  19. Yeah the fileshare is working now but when i created this forum the fileshare was not working. even though the fileshare is up that does not mean that it is permently up unless they fix it there could be no more, but yeah i hope it stays up tough
  20. Yeah i mostly made this forum because i was tired of UTD list half of the links did not work, i will update it every chance i get and i am constantly adding new stuff that the UTD list does not have, I would actually like Ibotmodz.net to add this list to the announcements instead of the UTD because this list is better and more accurate. (recomend to freinds PLZ)
  21. Whatever im done talking with u And dude u did not stop distribution of screenshots i could easily find modded screenshots with some time so that's not stopping it u only warned bungie and stop posting ur stuff
  22. First off it dosen't even matter if it's porno it still will have some conflict do to copyright laws and second how did u stop the future use of porno people can still mod screenshots as of now so that means it still can be done all u did was warn bungie not nessecarry stop it and as i said before i hate what can now be done with screenshots but maybe people hate u because u could have endend fileshare for everyone and some people including me just paid points on bungie pro and btw i decided to reasearch u a i found this forum http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a which I found that u could have actually made it worse for bungie becuase someone responded with exact directions saying how to mod screenshots and if u would have never made it that directions may have not exist so in a way u may have help then just a hair but i think u could have maid it worse and what happen did some one mad u mad and that's why u decided to betray modding community are you stupid? of course there will be copyright conflict, but all bungie would have to do is remove said image. if the image was pornography, they would have legal problems for distributing it to minors. I stopped the future SPREADING of porno screenshots. i could care less if you mod your own pictures for yourself, BUT i know thats not why you idiots mod them. as for the person with exact screenshot directions, if you had an inteligence of a candy necklace you wouldve seen me telling them they have no idea what they have messed up. I never BETRAYED anybody, i have been saying from DAY ONE modding information and con resigners shouldnt get out. I dont know who the hell you think you are,but i am not the one to be judged here. The one who needs to be judged is the one who STOLE a con resigner and caused this all to happen. and on another note, the community wonders and cries so much about my groupdoing private research, THIS IS WHY. Nothing is ever good enough for this community, you people just want a MORE and MORE. alright this is getting anyoning i created this forum to make people aware of what the promblem was and u came out of no where an made this like a political debate. the game is rated M for mature and minors can't even buy it there parents or adult friends must buy it and that's there fault for buying a adult game for minors and i still don't see how u stopped the porno because as of now pics can still be modded and it's just a matter of time so stop claiming u saved bungie
  23. What do u mean by double post im kinda new and r u talking about this post or others? O Im sorry i did not no for now on i will edit but does it count as a doulbe post if i respond to a quote with a reply and not edit?? Sorry for that and if u want me to i will delete it??
  24. UMM not sure if that could be done af anyone has and iade let me no?? meanwhile i will put this symbol next to my favorite be sure to check it out i will add that symbol in the next 10 mins
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