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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ
sounds awesome I already played the Im coming and cleaner streets I just need to check out the others good job ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dang I just got home and I went to download but all links were bad they were working this morning but not now darn I really wanted to check out the racetrack mod O well maybe you can show it to me later and I will give you some of your mods
Update: a few new mods that's it Maps Alone BOX MOD H3PG Br00tality IM A COMIN' Narrowlifts Taph NevrendingJourny Screenshots Call her Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Sorry none Youtube Videos Sorry none Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) (starting out with 20 I will add more) Krishka Ground Warlock.MAP This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
Update: sorry I have been gathering mods but I have had no time to add so finally here are some mods there's about 20 Note: If anyone will be willing to put mods on their fileshare plz let me know and I will give the mods to you if you don't have them Maps (Construct) fun mod! By gamecheat12 (Sandtrap) race mod$a$Ã茀耀 By gamecheat12 (Sandtrap) windy mod By gamecheat12 (Sandtrap) sky race mod By gamecheat12 (Sandtrap) cannon mod By gamecheat12 (Foundry) Cleaner Streets By Repoman 108 (Narrows) Ghost track V3 By Hi Im L00 (Sandtrap) HALO WARS! By Chrisco93 (Last Resort) Tunnel RACE By Chrisco93 (Sandtrap) Twisteds Mods By Chrisco93 (Valhalla) RainForest By Hydro Ride (FOundry) CASTLE MOD By Hydro Ride (FOundry) Day 1 By Hydro Ride (Sandtrap) moveable mods By gamecheat12 (valhalla) Modhalla By Hydro Ride (sandtrap) Not a mod By I BloodyModder (guardian) Control Room By gamecheat12 (Sandtrap) Phantom Race By iTZz BaTMaYNe (Last Resort) Final Camp By SiCkHaLo GaMeR (Sandtrap) Bloody's SHIP By I BloodyModder Screenshots Vote Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Sorry none at this time Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) (starting out with 20 I will add more) COD4 F.N.G. Remake This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
I have A Zune and I love it although I can't wait till i Get a Itouch
That is so fake and definitely was photoshop
That is awesome and I got just one word for you WOW!
Yeah that's what the modding programs are designed for and if your to dumb to use it Sphere95 already have a really good tag list (it's in this same section located in important topics)
Maybe it was A console ban which usually means the person the banned is meant for is permit and all other accounts are banned for a month so perhaps you have multiple accounts. Also I heard rumors that if you mod you can use xport and un ban yourself by removing a file sent by bungie (On a console ban they send a file to yourself by removing it your unbanned)(this is just rumor I heard not sure if it's true)
If you see a mod on the top 20 but the link is not in the main list then either it's not released or I do not have a fileshare link for but every mod on the top 20 I have on my console
I already know of those sites and just about every modded site im a member of and also the Racetracks I just got every single one yep thats right i got narrows construct epitah sandtrap and valhalla just need to get fileshare links and I added a new link to the Flamethrower gametype
Update: Removed 65 links, checked every link one by one, Add some youtube links, Add two new sections (My favorite mods and A place to download mods the Xport to your console) Note: If anyone will be willing to put mods on their fileshare plz let me know and I will give the mods to you if you don't have them Maps ODST HQ Found Prison Screenshots Recon MOney Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Sorry none Youtube Videos derivation Donkey Kong 102 Elephants 7 Elephants DarkTrap V1 Bot Ground The Storm Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) (starting out with 20 I will add more) Last Resort Derby Final X ScReAmEr Valley Of Death Ring of Fire Krylon 117 Dodge Ball V1 Nova Spores Forest Wars InvisArace Rampy v2 Fire Escape V2 Epitah Race track Stand off Drag Race Fat Hote Last Resort Racetrack Valhalla Racetrack Elephant Race Narrows RaceTrack Construct Race Track This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
Ok I downloaded and played and it is the exact same mod as the on I had with no name Arthur except with a name so yes it has two swords (but no not duel weilding) bascially the mod is instant respawn, primary regular sword, secondary modded sword. and it is a good mod just thought I would let you know that it is a mod and not a scam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` and the secondary sword is sticking out of your but until you switch swords then it dissapears (and if you wanted to get the sword sticking out of your but again you have to die)
and if this is not the instant respawn, primary normal sword, secondary modded sword (sticks out of your but) I will show it to you Trevx64 when I get on later also if you want I will show you those other maps I was gonna shw you the other day but you left early and were playing matchmaking
Hey Trevx64! your good wow um that is on my list to add to my 442 mods ok here the deal I have one gametype called 2 swords arthour is blank a friend gave it to me and basically it is a normal sword as primary and secondary is a modded sword (LOl it sticks out of your but) and it is also Instant respawn. I went to download this one and trasnfer failed because I have the custom limit (which BTW I really hate that fact you can only have a 100 custom games) anyway Don't know if this is modded yet still need to download but i know i like the one that I have now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also forgot to say that YOU ARE NOT DUEL WIELDING only wield one or the other and if you switch swords the modded sword is not sticking out of your but u have to die for that to happen or start new game
I actually have that map it is fun but I do not have a fileshare link if anyone would be willing to put on their fileshare I will give I will be on later today (about 8 hours from the time of this post) my gamertag is XxFaTaLGaMeRxX
Not sure what you mean by flaming but if flaming means arguing. I AGREE
Update: I added a 3 new maps/ 2 new vidoes and I am adding a new feature to the list which will include youtube video links or pictures of the map (If you have a youtube link for one of the mods that don't have one please PM me and I will add it just send the URL and the name of the map also if you have pics of a map let me know and I might add it) Maps float Halo 2 The Flood Screenshots None at this time Videos Finsh The Fight How to canvus This Reply is for record of when I added each Mod in case I need to know later and this will not be edited so the time that this reply was made is when I added each mod to the list (note: you may have to do some conversions to get exact time because of different time zones)
Yeah it's best connection only but it still looks cool
STOP POSTING HERE (YEAH YOUR LIST IS OLDER BY ABOUT A WEEK BUT I NEVER COPIED FROM YOU MY LIST ONLY STARTED OUT WITH MFONES LIST AND YOU HAVE COPIED LIKE ABOUT 100 mods from me and i can prove it and have already proved it before and you may not be copying directly but your freinds that your getting the information are stealing from me and the rest you said you got on google were most likely someones work maybe even mine. and DO NOT POST ANYMORE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ My bad not 100 mods but about 230 (new maps and also the links)
Update: a few new maps and one update link Maps Donkey Kong (map/gametype) (gametype is not included in the list count) The Flood! Beatdown Box roller coaster! All-Star Mod (I found a new link) Screenshots None at this time Videos None at this time This Reply is for record of when I added each Mod in case I need to know later and this will not be edited so the time that this reply was made is when I added each mod to the list (note: you may have to do some conversions to get exact time because of different time zones)
Update: OK I checked out FloodTown¤ and somehow it is not a mod I check every map before I add and I think what happen was that there is actually a FloodTown without the symbol (I played it but never found link) and I saw this mod remeber the one I saw and just add it anyway I am only human and I will remove it also I have a few new map Maps (removed FloodTown¤) Planet Mod Guardian V2 Onslaught V3 Screenshots sorry none at this time Videos sorry none at this time This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
I haven't checked it I will check it later BULL CRAP you know my list is the original list and you know that you have stole from me on numerous occasions so by telling all your friends to go to your list you are telling them a lie because your list is just a stolen RIP from mine and you don't do squat you only steal from others list I did not realize you were DARKRULER or I would have told you this along time ago STOP POSTING ON MY FORUM AND STAY OF THIS FORUM YOUR ONLY WELCOME TO LOOK NOT STEAL (LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO) AND STOP POSTING ON THIS FORUM YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE
Wait what I played that they day before I added it and it is a mods (it's not that great but it is a mod) ( I will look at again later today but I think it is a mod at least it was when I added it) also I Have 3 mods but I am looking for somemore so I will have a bigger update then just 3 mods
update: remove halo gods (I have been told it is on the list twice just but was renamed, if so sorry for the mistake I am only human) and add 5 new mods Maps Episode 1 Contagious Screenshots I was here Mythic Map Pack Video (watch in theater and will appear in recent games) Braking out this Reply is for proof of when i added these mods so if I need a date later on i will have it, this post will not be edited so the date this reply was posted is when it was added
sorry I will remove that stealth helmet pic by the way those are the only 2 that i questioned when I added them the rest I know 100% are a mod so don't say anyone else is not a mod the rest are mods I know for a fact
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