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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ

  1. Hey Slash sorry if I get you banned. Your always welcome here. and DarkRuler if your out there Im not telling you who the sources are but I will tell you it is not him. _______________________________________________________________________ I am sorry if it bothers you about the unreleased mods. I would have removed it but DarkRuler took them and added them to his list (which he added into his count of his list) and If I remove the mods now he will say that he has something that at don't and IF I added them back then He would say that I stole it from him So sorry about that. and depending on the mod if it is unreleased I might give it to you..once again sorry.
  2. Cool Optical Illusion. I like optical illusions like this one http://www.overyourhead.co.uk/images/misc/optical-illusion-wheels-circles-rotating.png that's a typical optical illusion http://www.geckoandfly.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/word_words_optical_illusion_mirror_love_hate.jpg Love Hate http://peoplesgeography.files.wordpress.com/2006/11/good-and-evil.jpg Good/Evil here is a word document with like 80 optical illusions: Optical_illusions.doc
  3. I am not sure if the mods is still there but it was a gametype (called R-Snipers Duel) that has a beam rifle at start here is the pic http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/6.jpg I saw it earlier and took this picture
  4. Unfortunately I do not have a .RAR extractor i don't feel like looking for one every time I go and post a map. click on the name you want the either Copy and paste image or click the Insert image button and copy and past link, here they are: Avalanche Blackout Cold Storage Construct Epitaph Foundry Ghost Town Guardian High Ground Isolation Last Resort Narrows Rat's Nest Sandtrap Snowbound Standoff The Pit Valhalla Sorry about the problem with the links I fixed all links and everything is working perfect Hope you like and (Youtube Video)
  5. hey peaches love your site
  6. I just felt like quoting something anyway. WOW I have been gone all day and I come on to see this conflict. All Administrators can some one please ban dark Ruler and his sidekick (cbpwnrs2) for language/double posting/stealing/flaming me and trev (the list goes on for miles) I would really appreciate it. This is insane threating left in right and to dark ruler i was look through your posts and you mentioned that you saying that "why did you post a picture of your mod list" then you claim it was phtoshoped (you admited to the list then you said it was phtoshoped, which was a lie) I personally find that interesting. And Look I am a good kid, I try to be nice, but I don't like it when people steal my hard work (your probally gonna say you didn't steal it whatever i am tired of that line) and if you get banned. O well you should have never broke the rules (the one that bungie says no modded content is to be diccused in forum, also no modded content on your fileshare) and I am only a person who reported you for breaking the rules not the one banning you bungie does that. and thinks trev for having my back. incase he edites those two posts here they are: (click on the bar to see it in full size) http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/4.jpg I find it funny that you say you never look at my list (then why did you know to start the argument...o yeah because you looked at my post LOL) http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/5.jpg also I went to go get the picture of the mod on your fileshare and your account is completetly deleted (just curious if you got banned) and also if you do get banned, which you probally will (remeber You broke the rules not me i just reported it) and you will only be banned from bungie you will still have live and can play any game except halo 3 I just want this to stop so I can work on my list but i can't with them flamming me and my friends left and right (peaches i guess we should of IP banned him instead of banning his one account) (and darkruler am i really susposed be scared of the picture on your signature (whatever..it is kind of funny though)
  7. WOW! just cause he is your friend you think you know every thing. do some fact checking. WOW! whatever
  8. your right blackmail CAN be illegal if it the thing that is blackmail is illegal (such as i saw you mureder someone and I blacmail you for that)(or another case is if I bribe money from you) and finally you can't blame me for something i did not do (your the that wrote the list on bungie which bungie states that no one can talk about modded conten) and for the last time I AM TIRED OF ARGUING THIS STOPS NOW...I am asking nicely.
  9. I can't wait to see the video and pics but I am probably just gonna download it now and see for my self
  10. Wow! whatever I am done arguing with you. I just wanted people to know that your list has mods that I added before which mean one of your sources are getting mods from here. but seriously you know those pictures are not photoshop (except for the bar at the bottom) but whatever I am wasting too much time arguing with you
  11. O my god I don't even believe your saying that was photoshoped wow now that's pathetic that is not phtoshoped you and your 300 something members have all seen the list that was not phtoshoped and I was informed earlier today from another one of my sources that you have removed the list and started a topic to try to figure out who the mole is. but i was also informed that you removed it also before it was removed you stated that I stole from you and that is a lie i never stole from you and you mentioned that your post had more mods that't because i did not include the porno mods/ the unrleased mods/the mods you xport to your console and I still can't get over you saying that that was photoshoped wow there's 300 witness (unfortuanately i only have a few of them in my pocket) the only thing that I edited was i removed the bar at the bottom of the page (using paint) because the guy that took the photo had his name visible and i needed to protect his identity. but wow phtoshop LOL
  12. Why would I get my friend banned...Your not gonna find him because what happen was you banned be for a week a while back then i was unbanned for about a day while i was unbanned i copied all your members list and then i found a guy that made the picture in exchange for some unreleased mods. And for the guy that gave me the pictures i will be sending you a message later today about your next instructions anyway just back off ix reaper xi. don't copy my list anymore or me and my friend will be sending those pics to bungie. I'm tired of playing games I told you to stop copying my list and you copied it so you do it again I will send those pics when my friend gets online I'm gonna ask him to send me some more pics of your list. HAVE A NICE DAY REAPER and remember no more copying
  13. Here is all I am going to say on this subject: (I recommend you, darkruler say no more either) I Think anyone would be mad if they spent 100+ hours into something just to have it stolen by some copy cat (even if you did not steal it someone else did)(did you ever think someone was messaging you someone else hard work I mean the proof is their plain as day) and what if it was something copyrighted you could go to jail (or juvee if your under 18) and I did said a few bad word (I was really angry anyone would be i think)(but i put symbols in it) when I joined your clan but you could of easily edited the words only but you removed my entire post because you did not want people to know your list is stolen On a side note I would really recommend you delete your post on bungie and move it to another site because if bungie finds that post they will ban every modder (and believe me some modders out there are very good with computers and can hack you, or some are not that good but the ones that are not good can make a bad screenshot under your name and get you banned Just ask peaches darklegacy made a porno screenshot under his name and not he is banned) And finally whatever I am tired of arguing and like the post (with the pictures) said don't reply about it and if you had a real problem let me know (VIA: PM) I was just telling people to stop stealing (not just you because I know their are other people that are giving you the information and that message was for them too) and if you say badwords on this topic again i will do my best to get you IP banned Also for all fans does anyone know how to make a micrsoft word document impossible to copy and paste becasue if i can find i way I will release a Digital copy of my list (Just Private message me if you know how)
  14. I thought so too but maybe because it is in a clan and there are only like 300 members and I guess bungie does not know about it. He had a post on xboxtampers but he stopped editing that one..I think it is because he can't edit comments because when I was in the clan (for a day then i got banned ) i made a post (saying and proving he stole from me) that he did not like and he completely edited it and he could not do that at xboxtampers, but if bungie did find out it would be so easy for everyone to get banned and he really need to stop posting and I am really sure that he is seeing all of this (I think ibotpeaches only banned the account and did not do a Ip ban)
  15. Hello everyone I would appreciate if no ones copy from my list and for whoever is supplying info to a person called DarkRuler/Xi sean ix/ Xi Reaper iX please stop I worked very hard on my list and I have put over 100 hours of work on this topic and I hate it when people steal from me and not even give me some kind of credit for helping them and just for the record about a month ago I started having conflict with this guy and I got him banned then he created another account and I think that one is banned anyway I got a email from a member of ibotmodz.net sending me a JPEG with proof and here is the image (Notice: I added the mods August 26th and he add them them August 28) LOOK at the mods (thanks to the guy who sent me this) (edited sorry first one was wrong pic this is the correct one) http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/proof1.jpg LOOK AT THE DATE HE ADDED THEM (thanks to the guy who sent me this) http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/Proof2.jpg http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t347/H3Modder/3.jpg LOOK AT THE MODS I ADDED AND THE DATE THEY WERE ADDED (you can view on page 8, 4 from the bottom) (I took this Image) Bottom Line He stole from my hard work (I have put 100+ hours into this topic) and here is the physical proof. and also the section of unreleased mods I bet you never even played a few of them well guess what I HAVE THEM ALL The person that took the pictures and sent it to me accidentally had a window open that showed his name and for his protection he asked me to remove it so I did I put them on my photobucket account so click on the image and it will send you there and you can see the full image I Just Wish I could go to his forum to show his members this post but he banned me (becuase I was flaming..mostly telling people the truth that he copied me...I did use a few bad word which I put symbols on to block it) anyway I would like to think the person (I am leaving his name out of this) for showing me those images and I Know you have been a member for a long time and you risked being banned but thanks TO SEE THE IMAGE BIGGER RIGHT CLICK AND THEN CLICK "VIEW IMAGE" or click ont the bar that says reduced image (edited: i added this on the second edit..hopefully the final) ALSO I am working on a way to make a Microsoft word document read only (so you can't copy and paste) I might convert it to a different file like PDF and if it works I will make it available so you can have a digital copy of this list P.S. Please do not comment about this just look and if you have to comment send me a PM but do not add a reply relating to this thanks and have a nice day
  16. O I tried that like 2 months ago and it did not work...maybe he a administrator had it dissabled like the BC code in the chatbox o well thanks for the help and i will not use for spam I was just curious
  17. not trying to be a noob here because i'm not but umm how do you do a youtube video on a page
  18. Update: - A few new mods Maps Mano Madness By: BirthdayPresent Tag Map By: gamecheat12 FireWorks By: gamecheat12 Screenshots Sorry None at this Time Game Varient Sorry None at this Time Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Icy Storage By: iTZ Sphere (play map in theater and it will be in recent games) Youtube Videos Sorry None at this Time Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) sorry None at this Time This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
  19. come on now really why did you have to bumb this old topic. serious there has not been a comment in over a month and you come a bumb with with a stupid comment wow!
  20. Looks good I will download it later and I will add to my mods list whenever I get some more mods (about 10 more than I will update)
  21. Update: - a little bit of every type of mod. - I also fixed the symbol because some were good when I made the list but are not anymore - I rearranged the mods (there separated from mods that have links to mods that don't...this way it is easier for me to count the missing links) Maps TraverseBy: Canadian Halo TowersBy: Canadian Halo Screenshots U Game Varient 2 Swords (Primary Sword: regular sword, Secondary: modded sword, Instant Respawn, and the modded sword is sticking out of your butt (if you switch weapon it is no longer sticking out of your butt, if you die then it will be there again you can't see it sticking out of your but unless your in theater but it is still sticking out it other people can see it and you can see it on other people) Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Sorry None at this Time Youtube Videos Industrial Firm Traverse Tower Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) (starting out with 20 I will add more) Infection Run Pacific Currents [sA] Floodraid This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
  22. thanks for fixing links I already played every map with you a few weeks ago (the Industrial Firm map original name was AV4) the only one I did not play was the race track but I played it yesterday and I really liked it (I knew I would though I all of your maps) and I added all of those maps to my mod list making it have 490 mods.
  23. Update: a few new mods that's it Maps awakening By: WearingJOK3R cavus 022 By: WearingJOK3R Rolling Along By: Take a moment!! I see u By: I will Own you Race Track By: Repo Industrial Firm By: Repo Basketball Mini By: Repo Fortress Mod By: BrokenRiver HIBA BY: Broken River299 Thrive By: Canadian Halo Screenshots Typical Asian Grunt B-Day Videos (of maps so they appear in recent games) Slayer 003 (Sv3) By: Repoman 108 Slayer 002 (messed) By: WearingJOK3R Slayer 003 (My mod) By: BrokenRiver Slayer 004 (CTF) BY: BrokenRiver Youtube Videos (Last Resort) Ruins Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders) (starting out with 20 I will add more) None at this time sorry This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added
  24. I do have this map me and a friend made it. He put it on his fileshare for a little bit but removed it and I DO NOT PUT MODS ON MY FILESHARE because i do not want to get banned so sorry I guess if i have a chance I could show you but if you send me a message tell me who you are because I get about 10 freind request everyday even when im not online and I delete all of them unless I know who they are
  25. Hey JIME108 can you show me this map later plz
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