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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ

  1. I have no idea of this is true but i was going trough one of my other favorite modding sites (http://www.*****.com) and i came across this forum titles "A whole new modding tactic depriving users of there xbox live accounts!" here's a link to it http://www.*****.com/forums/halo-3-modding/101646-whole-new-modding-tactic-depriving-users-there-xbox-live-accounts.html in this artical i guy claims that he opened a freezing screenshot and when i resarted his xbox his account was hacked he claims it is because of the screenshot i got no idea if this is true it sounds wild but you can decide and i have heard this site does not load for some people so here is what he said "Ok people may have already seen the screenshot you can't load and make your system freeze so you have to restart well that's not exactly what I'm talking about so lemme give a full rundown, last night my cousin was playing some big team with some friend and on the same team there are 3 generals and in the lobby and the game they want his major grade two account and make it a field major(I can't remember the name but the biggest major rank) and never use the profile after(so like take it and never give it back) they were offering him ms points, almost anything you could think of, so anyways after he said no after so many times they gave up a few moments later my cousin recieved a recomendation for a screenshot from the users file share(the name of it is you deserve this)so my cousin viewed it froze his xbox, but when my cousin restarted his system after he did a few things, he was unable to sign into his account due to it being recovered on another system, he tried to recover his profile and the account info had been changed, so what is up with that is this even possible, now his ms points and live is wasted, and should this be something I should report to bungie? Here is the list of the three generals, addemup2 A Macbook Pro ApEx 4sk Well I looked at thier profiles and they are not generals, IDK but my cousins info got changed after!" anyways you decide
  2. what do you mean by NO INTERNET??
  3. There is a New Halo game coming out It's Called Halo Wars (I know it's nothing like Halo 3 but it's still a HAlo game) And I seriuosly doubt they will be releasing Halo 4 anythime soon because Halo Wars is taking up most of their time maybe one day but not sure anytime soon
  4. Yeah Dude that is so photoshop (looks good but the lighting doesnt match and they very tip has shadow a real sword on that level would have more shading and your in a spot that should reflect and theirs no reflection) and as of now to my knowlege you can't mod the katana nor use it but about dueling sword i saw a youtube video of duel swords like last moth not sure how he did it maybe it was a H2 and H3 sword mix not sure
  5. Looks good Can you show me in custom when I get on on saturday I think i like stickey arena better (It's like A giant Dome thats seperated by an invisible wall which you can't walk through but can throw gernades through) but there might be stuff on there that i can't see And migh be better
  6. Thanks I have worked hard and put many hours into it (BTW I will be checking every link one by one again in the morning to make sure the current links work IT will take me about 45 mins)
  7. Don't even keep the names (by kepping them shows that you support that kind of thing also by having those missing links it might motivate people to go searching for it, just remove it and less all foget that ever happen) but because of what you did their is about 30 downloads on each one (which means if just 1 of those people put on their fileshare for a day it will get downloads then one more person puts on fileshare for just 3 hours it might get a few downloads you get wear im going with this) I Hope this does not get Bungie in legal trouble which you could have help cause by releasing it (even if it was only for less than a day that was plenty of time) I say again REMOVE THEM EVEN JUST THE WORD
  8. WOW really I thought that was a mod (photoshop) my bad I actually talked to several people and they said that it was a mod oops (O well I will remove) And Personaly I thank you went to far you added about 4 new screenshots that is very very Inappropriate, Dark legacy went to far I would remove those screenshots or you Will be banned from xboxtampers (I know it's a mod list, but their is a limit and I draw that line at porno screenshots) (BTW I saw 2 of those mods Yesterday when they were made) (I don't want to go to jail and what you posted on your link is against the law (adult stuff seen by minors(which their are alot of people under 21 on this site) (my friends little brother visits xboxtampers for cryin out loud (REMOVE THOSE LINKS NOW BEFORE YOU GET IN EVEN MORE TROUBLE)
  9. OoPs sorry about the Foundry Lockout only human Somehow I thank my backup link got added on it not sure how that happened and I saw another Halo wars with the symbol next to it by another arthor about 2 weeks ago but never found link
  10. double post sorry I mean to edit
  11. First off Halo wars is on their twice becuase their is or was gonna be a Halo wars 2 and the only other one that might look like their is two is A map on valhalla (two different arthors), Just becuase the have the same name does not mean their are the same I was responding too 3 different message (I hit Quote by habbit) didn't realize I was double posting, Sorry I would delete (the other site would let me) but I can't "People steal posts/text. Happens all the time, what makes them different is if one person stays an updates it at this site. I could add something, where you have to reply to the post to see the list, would that make it better?" Anyways Ibotpeaches don't worry about it i want everyone (except stealer) to have access to this "No I banned you because you were acting like a jackass, and my group isn't just mods, I don't even advertise the mods so none of the members joined because of mods and you stole a ton from me, at least you still don't have as many, that is why I banned you to make sure you don't get all of them" You would Be too If i copied from your hard work I actually told 13 freinds about my forum and they said they would join later this week
  12. Well if loto tickets are to get more points then what do u use points for (I saw nothing to buy with points except for loto) and plz answer my other question about how to veiw comments
  13. Yeah all I see you can buy is loto ticket (but whats the point of points I got no clue) what do you get how do the work the last site just had reputation points where you can only donate 1 at a time is it real loto tickets do you get money, Microsoft points, xbox live membership how exactly to these work and what do you get out of this?? and the old site i could view who gave me rep and why can you do that on this site and if so how?
  14. thanks for visiting
  15. Dude are you crazy giving maps for points i have already seen like 10 maps with small floods, big floods, small tentacles, big tentacles, fog , big oracle and their are all free why would someone pay points for a map when they could get it for free
  16. Thanks for the effort, but somethings wrong (all the smiley's above narrows don't work only the ones below narrows work, not sure what happen) NVM i got it to work i just had to redo it
  17. I guess i made you mad so u banned me from your clan (which you only have memebrs becuase you stole my links), I can't beleive you don't want your clan members to realize the truth that you stole from me I wish i could ban you from this site so I you can't see me list and steal CAN"T EDIT MY FORUM BECUASE THERE'S TOO MANY SMILIES SORRY I GUESS I WILL HAVE TO WAIT TILL PROBLEM FIXED don't respond to this i am waithing to a response under another section im just saying this becuase most people do not look under that section This is just for information purpose Thanks
  18. what are you doing making a competition out of this (I bet your not eveing looking hard your just taking someone elses hard work ( Im done with you now stop posting so I can finish my updates so I will be able to add my new segment by tommorrow)
  19. You just said "Most of these I have found over google, so he doesn't message me with mods allot, he has only messaged me 3 time so far, once with about 15, another with 2 and another with 30 so he doesn't do it allot" on bungie.net that = 47 now you say 70 on ibotmodz which one is it? Just curious how many modders do you actuall know (I now tons) and how many unreleased maps do u have (I have 21) (have you ever even played any on those maps on that list before they were released) i have played like 18 before they were on this site and finally I say all of this becuase that is what you call hard work which you may not even know the word of since you let freinds steal and then get handed the work that someone else did
  20. good job on the 4 I don't have but that still leaves another 273 you stole from me
  21. LOOk above I just proved that list was stolen either You stole it from me or where ever you got it from they stole it and you just copied theres (which would mean you still stole it just not from here but from where ever you got your info but i thank u stole it from me) "I am just searching them through google and other sites that just release them" well stop searching through google and find them other ways because if you got it from somewhee then that somewhere stole it from me and i would love to know where u got your most of your mods from so i can guve them a piece o my mine
  22. What the Hell He stole my list there excatly the same liks (There's now way i stole his because i just now joined the clan (which by the way how do u resign from a clan I don't want to be a part of that stealing $!*$% I worked by but off to get this list atleast 4 hours a day i am looking and searching and checking and updating this list @*%^ Dude i can not believe He stole from me (Ibotpeaches i want his Ip banned from this site @!&% him HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can prove he stole from me alright heres how the last thing he added to his list was the Screenshots i added: Funny picz Golden Warthog Metal Core Modz Spongebob CaLL Me CoDy Metal-Core-Modz Indestructible X Snayke X I added these a couple a days ago he just added them today and their the exact same links #!@% i can not believe he copied me and by the way Indestrctible was unreleased and i gave it to a freind to put on his fileshare and it's the same link i added a couple of days ago he just added today
  23. Ok im keeping it up because i looked at it and invisible barriers are mods lst time i checked (It may be crapy but it's a mod and this is a mod list but it surely will not get a good mark but i keep it up there) and as for that link I have 272 mods on my list (dang short 1) (but what am i looking for on that link i see no mod list)
  24. That's my job im good at finding stuff on fileshare and i have alot of freind who gives me names of people who have mods on their fileshare and about that not being a mod oops im only human i will check it out to make double sure it's not a mod then remove it if it is not
  25. The URL is good somethings wrong with the way u acces it try copy and paste the URL onto new internet broswer (it did not work for me when i clicked on it it sent me to a ibotmodz page but did work when i copy and paste on my internet browser) (and this should be under H3 modding unless u folow format and include download link or bungie link) (And i like it, i will contact u later for a copy of the map)
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