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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ
!!!Could this be the end of file share as we no it!!!
ZZmoddudeZZ replied to ZZmoddudeZZ's topic in General Discussion
First off it dosen't even matter if it's porno it still will have some conflict do to copyright laws and second how did u stop the future use of porno people can still mod screenshots as of now so that means it still can be done all u did was warn bungie not nessecarry stop it and as i said before i hate what can now be done with screenshots but maybe people hate u because u could have endend fileshare for everyone and some people including me just paid points on bungie pro and btw i decided to reasearch u a i found this forum http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a which I found that u could have actually made it worse for bungie becuase someone responded with exact directions saying how to mod screenshots and if u would have never made it that directions may have not exist so in a way u may have help then just a hair but i think u could have maid it worse and what happen did some one mad u mad and that's why u decided to betray modding community -
!!!Could this be the end of file share as we no it!!!
ZZmoddudeZZ replied to ZZmoddudeZZ's topic in General Discussion
O I just went by the quote "yea you wont be able to download for a while cause of eazy b and sorry i quit making mods and i quit halo3 cause of the resigner being released so sorry" that was mentioned by u at http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...t&sd=a&start=12 But yeah for not quiting and i understand your anger i think i might be a little mad to if that happened to me -
!!!Could this be the end of file share as we no it!!!
ZZmoddudeZZ replied to ZZmoddudeZZ's topic in General Discussion
Sure u may have saved them a little but they may have already been in trouble with the Kim Kardashian pic http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=37217099 which was taken 5/28/08 which was way before u posted yours on after that and look what u did u caused ZZdarkLegendZZ to stop modding ( "yea you wont be able to download for a while cause of eazy b and sorry i quit making mods and i quit halo3 cause of the resigner being released so sorry" By: ZZDarklegendZZ") and that stinks and on top of that u could have destroyed fileshare P.S.: Just for everyone to no i Support modding on maps (Why u pay all this money for on maps if u can't have some fun, but something does need to be done about the pics it's just a matter of time before someone goes to far) -
At first I Knew nothing about filshare problems until a friend said check out bungie fav so i did and little to no it turns out that all were blocked except the 1st one so i decide to reasearch the problem at first the big rumor was that bungie was hacked but c'mon bungie hacked not so i looked around somemore and even add some posts on some sites and waited for feedback and got tons and checked on other post and came to a final conclusion which i am sure is the truth and heres stuff i discovered mostly quotes but click at the link at the end of message for the enite stuff "yea you wont be able to download for a while cause of eazy b and sorry i quit making mods and i quit halo3 cause of the resigner being released so sorry" By: ZZDarklegendZZ "Lol Bungie.net won't even load for me until late in the day. Anyway by removing fileshare do you mean that bungie is getting RID of fileshares in general or just messing with some?" By: Fadingshadow122 "yeah the fileshare system is freaking out....i dunno" By: Brandon505 "Which means u can't view most screenshots for example u can only view the first screenshot on Bungie favorites but no others" By: Me (ZZmoddudeZZ) "Don't worry it will be fixed in a short time" By: FMP2552 "ÃÆä ÃÆþÃÆõÃâ¦Ã¡Ãâ¦Ã¡ÃÆïÃÆøÃÆïÃâãÃÆïtÃÆÿ ÃÆõf mÃÆãÃÆïÃÆñtÃÆëÃÆñÃÆäÃÆçÃÆë gÃÆõÃÆïÃÆñg ÃÆõÃÆñ ÃÆät thÃÆë mÃÆõmÃÆëÃÆñt" By: Halo1Unsc "ppl hacked the xbox and essentially made it possible to put a picture of ANYTHING in your fileshare. obviously this means everyone will put pro69n on there share, which wouldn't be appropriate for the 8 year olds" (WRONG) Enlighten your mind http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... 22706913&p ostRepeater1-p=1 "this tool was released publicly, enabling anyone to create modified content at their pleasing. This includes modified forge maps, edited films, and worst of all, custom screenshots.( for those who dont know, this means the person can put ANY image they desire onto their fileshare, which can bring legal problems for bungie"ThE EaZy B "It is my opinion this will end with the death of fileshares, because the method bungie has been employing was not fast enough to stop the previous influx of modified content, now it will be multiplied"ThE EaZy B "You did good with H2's banhammer, but its not quite the same this time"ThE EaZy B "bungie cant patch it. only forseeable solution is ending fileshares" ThE EaZy B "What if they start putting **Whisper** Pornograpy on? **Whisper** That Could mean huge problems for bungie" Paddydark" By: BluntSkins | "PUT ALL YOUR MODS ON YOUR COMPUTER NOW!!! BUNGIE IS BANNING THE KEYPAIR...THEY ARE BANNING FILESHARES AND MODDED SCREENSHOTS TOO...HAVE FUN WITHOUT HALO 3 MODS"dog5point0 "THE REASON BEING IS THAT THE SIGNER WAS RELEASED ON IBOTMODZ.COM, ("credits for ruining h3" go to easyB and some others) AND ONE WAS RELEASED BY SHADE!!!!!!!!!(too bad its freakin fake...)" dog5point0 "Thanks a lot, hackers" By: Pointless (Sounds like this guy released modders names beware all moders) To see all coments go to: http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...t&sd=a&start=12 http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=22721782 http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...stRepeater1-p=1 http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=4713 http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...stRepeater1-p=1
Ok i will add it in the next 5 mins
sorry about that im only human i added your mods and some more and fixed the typos if anyone has anymods not listed let me no and i will check them out and post them and i will check the links everday and try to find new ones and i add the dam mod for the other guys comment
http://www.animatedgif.net/underconstruction/caution1_e0.gif http://www.animatedgif.net/underconstruction/consbar1_e0.gif currently 508 mods/226 missing links (157 missing maps/3 missing gametypes/ 88 missing modded pics) and 282 working links IF you like this forum please donate points Announcements: SORRY NO ANNOUNCE I AM RETIRING MOSTLY BECAUSE MODDING HAS FADDED AND IM INTO OTHER STUFF CHECK OUT THE DIGITAL COPY OF THE LIST (at the bottom of the page) IT'S IN MICOROFT WORD 2000 FORMAT AND PLEASE USE AS REFERENCE AND DO NOT EDIT OR RIP THANKYOU FOR MAKING THIS TOPIC THE MOST VIEWED TOPIC ON IBOTMODZ BUT ALL THINGS MOST COME TO AN END Directions for MAPS: To download simply click on the link if it's available it will send you to bungie.net from their you sign into windows live ID then click download to Halo 3 go to you xbox 360 sign out sign back in and it will download Directions for VIDEOS: click on link, the link will send you to bungie.net from their sign into your windows live ID if not already. Then click Download to halo 3 (the thing you click on is located below the arthurs of the maps name) then sign out of your xbox 360, sign back in then go to theater plat the film you just downloaded then go to theater or forge and the map will be in recent games then click x next to map to save in recent games then the map is yours Progress of the fans Wow 1000+ views in the first 7 days WOW 3,000 views in a little less then a month THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT 24,420 Views (the most viewed page on ibotmodz.net) Note: if u click on a link and doesn't load (white screen) i had this problem so if u do Right Click on links and click copy shortcut open up new internet window and past (this should work) Some History: I was first introduced to modding when a friend showed me a mod that i never thought could be done then i saw list on this site by Mfone and he had about 130 mods alot of links were broken so i decided to fix them then i started adding day after day. soon i had a list with about 200 mods that was not well organized so i edited the entire list putting in a new format taken even more time then add more mods and new things to keep this list popular like polls, youtue videos, unreleased mods that i have, and symbols to let people know what mods are good then bungie changed all links which made me have to convert all 500+ links now am adding my last 30 mods and after 5 months and about 300 hours of work i am retiring and moving on tho something else Have a nice Life. And i hoped you enjoyed this life as much as i did. = new or updated = If you have time, excellent Map YOUTUBE link (it will be in Georgia font and font size=3) If you can't click on the map then no link is available Updated as of August 14, 2009 at 1:44 P.M. eastern time as of July 26, 2009 (Late Night) all links are good Assembly (2) Down boy By: Chrisco93 äAssemblyä By: IIICorbmanIII Avalanche (20) Avamod BNTE - Avamod By MrTwiggyI0I Fort Unknown By xTyLer iZ iLL Ava Mess Halo Wars� Panda Tele View Ava Flood v23 By YeIIowyoiker Snow mod!!! By Gamecheater Episode 1 by Kk LethaL OreO Ava Flood By MFone Floating Pit By BlubberyWeiner YOUTUBE LINK Modzzz By gietzenator Halo Wars By KSI Carbon Core UFO Landing By BlubberyWeine YOUTUBE LINK Magic land M Y T H ii C By iTZz BaTMaYNe Donkey Kong (map) By jfrankmod YOUTUBE LINK donkey kong (gametype)By jfrankmod (not included in mod list just extra if you want) Race Track By: Repo YOUTUBE LINK Industrial Firm By: Repo (also known as AV4 which is my favorite avalanche map) YOUTUBE LINK Blackout (11) Blackdown By ShotSpartin1177 Lockdown By ShotSpartin1177 Blackout V2 By MFone Skyzz By xTyLer iZ iLL !JUMP CRAZY! By ShotSpartin1177 Tornado� By R4Z0R iz CluTcH Blackout Flood003 By Dog Can Mod Too (final version not completed it's in the early stages) mmmmmoooooooddd By bigsniper55 Smoke BLKNAG Flooded Blackout By: Repoman 108 and me (XxFaTaLGaMerxX (this is my gamertag) ../../../style_emoticons/default/good.gif - Click here for a detailed description of this map and some screenshots Cold Storage (19) Cold Storage ChiloutV2 By R4Z0R iz CluTcH Flood Storage ChillStorageV1 Steamy VA JJs Cold By beatdownmaster9 (play video and will be in recent games) FBI mod By F.B.I The Flood By fiberbomb The Unfors33n YOUTUBE LINK ChilloutV4 By R4Z0R iz CluTcH Test By SKIPPER132 Cold StorageMod By Canadian Halo Chillout By ShotSpartin1177 Raceout�V2 By R4Z0R iz CluTcH The Flood! By Pwn the N00Bs Bubble Mods By *@%$#$ Planet Mod By XShadowSnipesX Icy Storage By: iTZ Sphere (play map in theater and it will be in recent games) S looping Mod By: linkyoshi Construct (11) The Storm Longitude By xTyLer iZ iLL Purple rings By: beatdownmaster9 (play video and will appear in recent games) Yellow Rings By: beatdownmaster9 (play video and will appear in recent games) underworld By beatdownmaster9 (play video and will appear in recent games) The Lifts By ShotSpartin1177 Newstruct By xTyLer iZ iLL crazy By daKOOLaidMAN421 Waterfall ModBy MrTwiggyI0I Heroic By iTZz BaTMaYNe fun mod By gamecheat12 Epitaph (10) Epitaph Mod Crapitaph By ambi0 Taph By: jotineb Hell By SANTAN Slayer 002 (messed) By: WearingJOK3R Epitaph Clones By MrTwiggyI0I Quadwings Tomb ../../../style_emoticons/default/good.gif By xTyLer iZ iLL Same Old Story By xTyLer iZ iLL dinotaph By zZDarkLegacyZz Sanctuary By SKIPPER132 Foundry(91) Foundry Mod Katrina By xTyLer iZ iLL Area 51 Flooded Foundry 1 Foundry ModT4ck Map Mod Hammertime never back down The Fight Mod Modded Journey Rebirth Dance Floor By daCOOKIEman117 Marathon Maze! By Foo F1ghters Battle Ground By daCOOKIEman117 Nerd= Uber G@Y By Nerd=FaggotShit lots of clones By beatdownmaster9 (play video and it will be in you recent games) Light It up By LookAtThemNUBS Convex YOUTUBE LINK Project X By bobisacool Cross Sector By DJB Mixin It Up Hexoron By DJB Mixin It Up da mod By gamecheat12 broken ship fix By gamecheat12 Sniper Training By Canadian Halo Ghost Fight By Walapu derivation YOUTUBE LINK Contagious by DJB Mixin It Up Onslaught V3 By Kr3w Gametypes Float By modern moders NevrendingJourny By: Detonation 299 cavus 022 By: WearingJOK3R Fortress Mod By: BrokenRiver Slayer 003 (My mod) By: BrokenRiver (play video in theater for it to appear in recent maps) awakening By: WearingJOK3R Basketball Mini By: Repo Cleaner Streets By Repoman 108 Day 1 By Hydro Ride Insanity By: Canadian Halo HalfpipedBy: Canadian Halo The Box By H3 Pyro Obstacle Course Easy By MrTwiggyI0I Obstacle Course HardBy MrTwiggyI0I D-Day Mod By ShotSpartin1177 Light Test By MrTwiggyI0I Obstacle Course #2 By MrTwiggyI0I The Underground By xPimPinTyLeR Sticky arenaBy zZDarkLegacyZz YOUTUBE LINK The Final Boss By zZDarkLegacyZz Journey of legacy By zZDarkLegacyZz Crossided By Canadian Halo fort 117 By Canadian Halo Demo Derbi By Aussie G FloodedFoundry2 By nox13666 Flooded Foundry V2 By nox13666 Submarine By R4Z0R iz CluTcH F��rz�n� Part 1 By HOOTYPOOTY Concert Time By xPimPinTyLeR Green & blue By walapu Lockout V1 By ShotSpartin1177 Lock0ut V2 By ShotSpartin1177 Knockout By xPimPinTyLeR Zombie Vents By zZDarkLegacyZz infraction By Canadian Halo Foundry test� By x133783457x Mine Field By walapu Mine Field V2 By walapu Fun House ModBy ShotSpartin1177 MODfoundry��000 By xi Sean Ix Darkness By Canadian Halo YOUTUBE LINK House of Horror By daCOOKIEman117 Hurricane By itachi047 Consert By GHO5T BUST3Rs surts3y By Xx666 360 666xX (not a good not but is a mod only lights and does not lag for me) Casino Mod By 299xXxKill PresidentSpeech Turture By Bungie Beatdown Box By Phantom Mod Finsh The Fight By M0dd3rs 0f 2K8 (Watch video and will appear in recent games so you can then save) FoundBy Prison By CASTLE MOD By Hydro Ride Alone BOX MOD By: linkyoshi H3PG Br00tality By: I BloodySatan I Im a Comin' By: Repoman 108 Thrive By: Canadian Halo Traverse BY Canadian Halo YOUTUBE LINK Towers By: Canadian Halo YOUTUBE LINK Mano Madness By: BirthdayPresent Tag Map By: gamecheat12 Team C.F.H By: linkyoshi MIXEUR V2 MOD By: linkyoshi Ghost Town(4) Ghost Town 012 Trip Mine Test By xTyLer iZ iLL Ghosts n1 By ???Nuklear GRINDIN By iTZz BaTMaYNe Guardian(24) Last Reckoning By xTyLer iZ iLL YOUTUBE LINK aBesst By xTyLer iZ iLL Halogram By zZDarkLegacyZz gardental Astronomic By zZDarkLegacyZz KnA GD Test v1 HVC Guardian Wrecked By Kr3w Modder Guardian v2 By DJB Mixin It Up Halo 2 By 5337guy Guardian� By ambi0 SOlid mods 0.1 By ambi0 Greenscreen modBy iGuardian KNA GD Test V2 By BR Arena v4 By HOOTYPOOTY 70 shades By Canadian Halo Guardian 2.0 By Bungie Snow/Fog Test By xTyLer iZ iLL Eutopia� By Devong32 Deception By ShotSpartin1177 BSP PHAIL By ShotSpartin1177 Lost Planet� By R4Z0R iz CluTcH MOOOOOOOOOODDD By bigsniper55 Control Room By gamecheat12 High Ground(17) Highqround Invisible walls Fish party By Twisted TG07 High Ground v2 Wreckage By daCOOKIEman117 BOXES!!!!!!! Canz By beatdownmaster9 (play video in theater and will appear in recent games) Path of Gates By MrTwiggyI0I YOUTUBE LINK �HiGhGrOuNdMoD� By ShotSpartin1177 Row Your Boat By xTyLer iZ iLL The Dam By austin bomber ModBox V1 By Shade4510 Bot Ground By Shade4510 ACE Track By AngrySODAWORM YOUTUBE LINK Halo Wars BY Bungie 299 Highground Test By LookAtThemNUBS The Blob By LookAtThemNUBS Isolation(9) Sickness By zZDarkLegacyZz Iso mods By ITz kennerz Isolated By SA-Mods The Flood Pit By xTyLer iZ iL Donut City BY xTyLer iZ iL �TheFlood� 003 By ShotSpartin1177 Invince HillBy SKIPPER132 Donut Land 001By ShotSpartin1177 I S o MoD � By iTZz BaTMaYNe (VERY GOOD ISOLATION MAP) Last Resort (22) Atlantis V1 Levels Mod Ships BAR By A Kr3w Modder Box By gamecheat12 Final Camp By SiCkHaLo GaMeR The Last Resort Mod By Anth0ny562 Atlantis V2 By ShotSpartin1177 Windy City By yungbolxxxxxxxx BBBBBBy xTyLer iZ iLL X-Treme Race� By Dark Slipstream Flood Island By ambi0 Oceania� By Dark Slipstream First HEX Map By Mattyovers �WHEELZ� By GHO5T BUST3Rs MY ZANZI MOD By GHO5T BUST3Rs Ruins By LookAtThemNUBS YOUTUBE LINK Monerail By LookAtThemNUBS Tunnle By LookAtThemNUBS Tunnel Rider! By AmazingTunnel! Infection Beach By ZombieInfect Tunnel RACEBy Chrisco93 Narrows(18) Liftoff All out War By beatdownmaster9 (play video and will appear in recent games) shee mod and... By gamecheat12 Narrowlifts By: Air Base V1 By nox13666 Narrows�2 By MFone All-Star Mod BY MrTwiggyI0I Water World By rocket46 70 Hornets By Canadian Halo 70 banshee By Canadian Halo Hornet By Canadian Halo Misty Mountain V2 By SKIPPER132 Air Base Adv.� By Devong32 TELEFRAG By SKIPPER132 Hornet Land By walapu Dog Fight By zZDarkLegacyZz make a house 2 by gamecheat12 Ghost track V3 By Hi Im L00 (weird because it is the exact same map as halo3dude racetrack but he is not the author) ORBITAL (1) äOrbitalä By: Gametuts Rat's Nest(10) FM Race Capture Da FlagMod By daCOOKIEman117 Foo Fighters pelican By gamecheat12 Rat's Nest� By daKHAOSguy024 Hopppqq By xTyLer iZ iLL New Rats Nest By ambi0 UNSC base V1 By zZDarkLegacyZz Mayhem� By nox13666 Truckas By R4Z0R iz CluTcH Sandbox (6) "ÃÅbEr VoLcAnO" By: Crisco93 "Club` XXX" By: JukeBox 13 "HEAVEN V.S HELL"By: Crisco93 "Graph Planet" By: Crisco93 "Vortex" By: Crisco93 "äBlock Cityä" By: III CORBMAN III Sandtrap(50) 4 elephant in air 3 ground Crashed Frigate Elephant Tower St41rW4y M0d Bunker World Wow mod By gamecheat12 ELEPH�NTITIS� 0 By Will XS01 Not a mod By I BloodyModder Phantom Race By iTZz BaTMaYNe SV3 By: Repoman 108 (Play video for it to appear in recent games) ODST HQ By KING N00BY VII Ultra Zombies X By Da Crazy Basta F.O.T.D. By ambi0 race mod$a$�èÅâ¬Ã®Â¦Âèâ¬â¬Ã®Â²Å By gamecheat12 7 Elephants By SligStorm 22 Elephants By nox13666 Sandtrap V3 By Shad0w LAG 102 Elephants By H3 Pyro (Lags alot) Frigates Map� By ambi0 Warhawks By ThE EaZy B �Sandtrapmod� By ShotSpartin1177 2 fused ships floating By ambi0 Modsss By devioddj Darktrap V1 By CHRiS tWOStREEt Weezy BBy xTyLer iZ iLL Ub3rly Bouncey By Ub3r Modz0rs!!! Frigate Takeoff� By Dark Slipstream Beastly Beach By zZDarkLegacyZz Elephant Stairs By Mystery Entry Sinking Elephant By Woodley Bonner Elephantitis By Woodley Bonner �AirTrap� By ShotSpartin1177 The dead zone By xPimPinTyLeR Phantom Test� By ikillyou52 Crash mod By ITz kennerz Ub3r Track� By Z CF CM D !! YOUTUBE LINK FrigiTrap By zZDarkLegacyZz Recon Race By daKHAOSguy024 To The Hills! By LookAtThemNUBS OP By BungieGotOwned roller coaster! By LookAtThemNUBS windy mod By gamecheat12 sky race mod By gamecheat12 cannon mod By gamecheat12 HALO WARS! By Chrisco93 Twisteds Mods By Chrisco93 moveable mods By gamecheat12 Bloody's SHIP By I BloodyModder Rolling Along By: Take a moment!! Snowbound(16) unfound YOUTUBE LINK Stay Inside TeleSky the mod By gamecheat12 Newbound By Shad0w LAG Snowbound V1 By Veegie Snowbound V1.5 By Veegie Goons Wasteland By xTyLer iZ iLL Stov T 00aaa By xTyLer iZ iLL Flurry V0.1 By SKIPPER132 Flurry v0.2 By SKIPPER132 Flurry V0.3 By SKIPPER132 Overstocked By KSI Carbon Core Iceblock By Canadian Halo Bondeg By Veegie Snowbound V2 By Shad0w LAG Standoff(12) Standoff�� Usa By Game Tuts Fallen By Kr3w Modder (MOD) battle 2 By gamecheat12 (Mod) Battle 3 By gamecheat12 Satellite By IXICWBIXI Invisible Missie Pod By Shade4510 Bunker World By eazy weezy1177 Clones Glory By DARK 5PAR74N Standoff mod By NOT uselessdewe boom mod! LightTrack By: No wise11! The Pit (32) Pelican Station The Pit V1.1 moddinz Eliete Takeover By R4Z0R iz CluTcH Infection� Training By daCOOKIEman117 Pelicana By SA-Mods COD By beatdownmaster9 (play video and will appear in recent games) troop mod By gamecheat12 watch em By gamecheat12 Cyberdyne TELE_PELE HIBA BY: Broken River299 Slayer 004 (CTF) BY: BrokenRiver (play video in theater and it will appear in your recent maps) The Pit Mod By kk x GhostKiler Braking out By the real oops Legacy Map1 By zZDarkLegacyZz Bird Attack By Dark Slipstream YOUTUBE LINK Pit NVR Release By Halo Hax0r!!! aaaaaahii By xTyLer iZ iLL Birds By SKIPPER132 Off roads By II Rubiks II pit Sxey Time mod By ShotSpartin1177 Troop hog By SA-Mods Th3 m0dd3d P1t By ShotSpartin1177 BlackHawkDown By ShotSpartin1177 CURRENT[a By Glitch100 (First release mod with working cameras) MoDdEd 001 By TGxStEaLtHxMaN Valley of Death By jfrankmod The Modded pit By bigsniper55 I see u By: I will Own you MoDdEd 001 By: TGxStEaLtHxMaN Valhalla(36) Power Pulse Mod Supplies YOUTUBE LINK SMOKY CaVerns forest citidel Sandbox mod By Devong32 (play video in theater and it will appear in recent games) TELE SPACE By Devong32 New Concept By TheUltimaPerson Butterfly FX By WR MaFaiA (play in theater then it will appear in recent games) How to canvus BY TJFAD117 (A racetrack with mongoose pads made by halodu2de) Modhalla By Hydro Ride Delta Halo By Tarzan VallhallaModded By Anth0ny562 V Mod By IXICWBIXI River World 1.0 By ShotSpartin1177 Valhalla v2� By Tarzan Valhalla� 001 By Anth0ny562 Valhalla v2� By TH3 M41N DUD3 Tree City� By Dark Slipstream Cloverfield By zZDarkLegacyZz Bunker War v2 By Battle Creek 2c By x blbassi x pelican valley By x blbassi x Spa mod By ambi0 Witch side By ambi0 Disney Land� By Devong32 Bungie Day By ambi0 Modd3 By Anth0ny562 VahallaStarzV2 By its shot ya dig FRICKING SPACE By rocket46 Timberland MOD BY HOOTYPOOTY Flooded Valhala By Evan Halo Beta (freezes xbox,can't go to dashboard got to restart system) Jungle H* BY Tarzan $ By ambi0 confined By walapu RainForest By Hydro Ride FireWorks By: gamecheat12 Gametype Mods(10) Covies Brute Spiker Starting Weapon Beam Rifle Start By walapu Instant Respawn By Shad0w LAG Missile Pod Start By SA-Mods (Only works with levels already containing missle pods Ex. Vahalla) Small sword start By SA-Mods Flamethrower start By MASTER ELITE 56 2 swords By: Gamecheat12 (Primary Sword: regular sword, Secondary: modded sword, Instant Respawn, and the modded sword is sticking out of your butt (if you switch weapon it is no longer sticking out of your butt, if you die then it will be there again you can't see it sticking out of your but unless your in theater but it is still sticking out it other people can see it and you can see it on other people) R-Sniper Duel By: xI Reapers Ix Forge By: jfrankmod (NOTE: when you click on the gametype is says carbine instead of forge but it is the same gametype. This gametype allows 16 people in forge. This is the first forge gametype made I played a gametype that does the same forge thing but starts with a flamethrower I am looking for a link for it) Picture Mods(88) Walrus CEL Forge 003 Yes Slayer SHOT 1 Halo Mods Half~Life CoD 4 Remake Headlong Kim Kardashian GTA 4 Judo is Awsome Get Rick Roll'd A sweet car Mudkip COld Strorage You cant haz MLG Funny picz Golden Warthog Metal Core Modz Spongebob (ROFL) CaLL Me CoDy Metal-Core-Modz X Snayke X Walrus Revenge Hovercat Watchout magic cat having a drink LOL cat 117 car 7th Column mods Chick gary Big Man Don't Do it The Pokemon N1cee it's true Modding update LOL cats ahhhh Join Ibotmodz XGL1 Anti-spyware Simpsons I Heart Bungie Will you marry me Blazzer Golden Warthog V2 Amazing kid I want cookies Safe seckz Chick Cheif KidSekzExchange ROFL OOPS Blooddrunk Kitty Vader Learn Chinese Test Mod Boom I was Here Recon MOney Im coming WOW Humpday Indestructible good.gif New Map (Purple Reign) DOG NINJA KITTY good.gif Surprize Attack good.gif Cheezburger good.gif I went Fishing Football!!! good.gif I am IronMan good.gif Mythic Map Pack good.gif Call her Typical Asian Grunt B-Day U They can??? 002 Unreadable LOOK AT IT!!! Vote Trivium LOOK AT IT!!! Fly KOB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (My Favorite maps) AV4 (favorite Avalanche) (know known as Industrial firm) Spinny babies (favorite Invisible barrier map) FBI mod � (favorite Cold Storage) Heroic and Halo3dude racetrack comes in at a tie for my favorite construct map Favortie Epitaph is a Three way Tie Between Crapitaf, Quadwings Tomb and the race track Favorite Foundry map is Thrive and Hurricane Favorite Ghost Town is DarkTown Favorite Guradian mod is Guardian Sphere (it was renamed but can't rember new name) Favorite Highground Ace Track Favorite Isolation mod I S o MoD {} Favorite Last Resort Is a tie between Ocenia (my favorite flooded map) and Tascavo Highway Favorite Narrows is a tie between Chill (only about 20 people have) the Narrows racetrack made by Halo3dude Favorite Rat's Nest mod is Capture Da Flag Favorite Sandtrap is SkyRace3.0, 1000 eggs, Halo wars, and Phantom race Favorite Snowbound SBV 1.1 and the racetrack me and Razor made Favorite Standoff is Lightoff and just about all the ones with satalites Favorite pit is Sphere pit Favorite Vahalla is Space and water and Jungle H* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Topic Has Been Made by "ZZmoddudeZZ" from iBotModz.net Do Not Rip Thanks goes out to: trevx64 for telling me about this site ibotpeaches for making this site sphere95 for showing me some unreleased mods canadian Halo for showing me how to fix links after bungie's site update darkruler for his help and giving me links to mods during the reconstruction of this site and all administrators for the much appreciated work you all do on this site 509__mod_list_on_ibotmodz.net.doc
Thats not that many i have a list of about 114 mods from several sites and clans put together in to one sweet list but i do like 2 of them
Yeah it stinks u can't put trees on avalanche ive thought of that too it lags like 100 elephants mod on sandtrap
Hey Everyone Now i Have or have Seen just about every mod out there some realy crapy and others well i'll let my smiles do the talking anyway u did not click here to listen to me talk so i will just get down to it Idea 1: i had this idea the other day when i was playing last Reckoning on Guardian when I went into the Room with the big purple spiral thing in the air I hope u no what im talking about it will make this so much easier anyway for the non noobs if u can mod it not sure if u can i know there are limits in moding but if u could take it and multiply it through out the map then add some birds and fog layers it wold be a sweet map Idea 2: if u have ever played floaty pit on avalanche it would be sweet to do that but covering most of the map in different spot and take a mongoose and jump from one to another and add some sheild doors that would be sweet but im not sure if it would lag [s:2wdfuzu0] Idea # 3: The pit....take the warthogs that have no gun on them and make them for when u first start the game be able to drive them and add new textures[/s:2wdfuzu0] unfortunatly it's not drivable but thank u Author: SA-Mods for creating this map http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=42520844 p.s. i would appreciate a response from anyone who know if this could even be done & Feel free to put some more ideas on this forum maybe i willl get some big attention and someone might actually make a better mod More ideas coming soon!!!
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