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Everything posted by ZZmoddudeZZ

  1. Update: Map: consert ava flood (I had for a long time but never realized i was missing it sorry) Fallen Bar Screenshot: no update for the moment this was added as a record of proof with the time and date stamped and will not be edit this (so the time this post was created is when I added) I decided to to this so I can prove people are copying me like DarkRuler of xboxtamper.com
  2. Update: Map: Jungle H Screenshot: Amazing Kid I want cookies safe seckz chick cheif kidsekzexchang this was added as a record of proof with the time and date stamped and will not be edit this (so the time this post was created is when I added) I decided to to this so I can prove people are copying me like DarkRuler of xboxtamper.com
  3. yeah i was playing with you in custom games if you remember it stinks your getting banned for what someone else did perhaps if you made a petition on bungie.net and be sure to add in detail what zzdarklegacyzz did to you they might unbanned you and if you do try that let me know i will vote to unbanned you and i think that atleast 1 thousand other people would to (it's not right being banned for someone elses crime anyone could be get banned if the arthor is modded)
  4. A day till i would get banned or you mean i have to have it on my fileshare for a day then i get banned which one?
  5. Question Plz answer if you put a modded screenshot on your fileshare for about 5 mis then remove it will you get banned??
  6. Yeah I'm done I updated it click on the name of the map you want if there is a link available it will send you to bungie this way it's neater I am the first person to add video (that give you the map in recent games) to the list I did this before anyone else has including the list that was stolen from me on xboxtampers and for the record i added the videos as of the moment i edited this and i will not edit it again
  7. If you want this map it is on my modding list which has 326 mods it's under Highground Enjoy and here is a link to my list My Mod list with 326 mods (also i have Xtreme race to)
  8. Try again because they all work for me and i asked 6 people to try it and it worked for them too BTw I updated and found new links for a few new maps and I also posted a few new maps like Quadwings Tomb, Xtreme Race, USA (which has the lights on the satellite arranged into a American flag) and More.. Here is a pic of USA (note only best connection can see it) USA Screenshot (Note Trevx64 did not make II Corbman II or something like that made it)
  9. just for record and date of post and update info There are 3 pics that i debated to but on here and i decided to add to here there is no nudity visible and the other 2 are just words but if you would like me to remove link plz let me know and the last update including 12 screenshots and 2 maps Dance Floor Training 7th column mods Chick gary Big man Don't Do It The Pokemon N1CEEE It's True Modding update LOL Cats ahhhh Join Ibotmodz XGL I added these as of this post and this is for info and proof of date and time and i will not edit this message
  10. Yeah I would strongly advise not to mod screenshots at this time because of what zzdarklegacyz and a few others did (modding porno) bungie will be doing some damage control and you would probally get banned stick to modding maps for now
  11. Good point and also why would you want to make more freezing screenshots 1 is enough no more and yeah only one post and your asking how to mod freezin screenshots LOL get a life and just go download if from the guy that sent it to you
  12. I got two words for you lame and boring LOL the i got two words for you reminded me of DX (triple H and Shawn michales from WWE monday night RAW)
  13. I have seen it before in fact i think it is on my list i know it's not a mod my moddr friends believe it's a spartan lazer shot at the right angle and someone took a picture of it using the right angle and point of view that's like the point of view used on sandtrap making the guy look like he is a giant and is waling on the map but anyways it's not a mod and i have seen it before
  14. I never said they were modded screenshots i just said they are so amazing it seems like mods not meaning there are mods just meaning they are really good
  15. PLz add links to these when someone mods theses thanks
  16. sorry about that Where is it being moved to? NVM i found it
  17. unfortunately that's not possible you can only have one working camera (the first camera you place) but you cand have unlimited tv screens showing the view of that camera so no it's not possible to have more than one working camera sorry but i though of that when i got my first camera map now i have 5 camera maps
  18. Ok dude what in the world are you the same guy that has a list on xboxtampers if so what in the world you steal my list All Halo 3 mods U.T.D. (250) which by the way has 296 mods (not including the unreleased mods that i mentioned I own and are on my xbox 360) which sure i know you have a few more than me (on xboxtamper) but thats because i refuse to put modded screenshots of porn made by zzDarklegacyzz (which I admit a few others have done the same thing) and You know and members of xboxtampers no that you stole from me and i have proved it on numerous occasions dude just get of this site if you are and keep your list on xboxtampers (and i am 99% sure it's you but if not than i am sorry and just forget i said this) (if anyone wants to hear me prove that he stole from my list with facts than go to http://z15.invisionfree.com/Xboxtampers/in...c=3385&st=0 and my comments are on page 2-5) O and Btw links are bad
  19. what in the world does weapon damage and fall barriers have to do with anything I think the other guy is right about that online experience may change thing
  20. Wow I did not know that I thought Bungie was making Halo Wars (who is making halo wars if it is not bungie)
  21. LOL you started out the same way I did (saying if you ever played a map...) when I mad a topic about exactly the same but I don't care that topic is over for now maybe one day i might reserect it O well just thought that was kina funny
  22. I disagree I don't think bungie will be held responsible for the actions of a person in fact when you sign up on xbox live it says that this kind of thing is not allowed and i thank someone should report him and the game is rated M (but yeah technically the game is for 17+ and by law anyone under 18 is a minor) and the game was not meant for kids 16 and under, most places like wal-mart won't even sell such a game to a person under 17 parents have to buy a game, going into another factor I thank dark legacy could actually get in legal trouble for giving porno to minors and technically it's not gay (guy to guy) that he posted it was ******* (girl to girl) so get your facts straight (but by any means no one should have ever went this far in modding)
  23. Yeah i know they are amazing i saw these and looked that some had litle downloads and new it was just undiscovered and I thank they deserve some credit they are so amzing im surprised they are not mods I hope to find and add more to the list and keep looking at these links they change the pics out from time to time I have had in I on these people or weeks and notice they change out there fileshre form time to time
  24. that probally what happen if it even happen (like I said before this is very out there and hard to believe) and BTW how in the world do you have so many points WOW
  25. Here's a interestnig topic, I have created amazing topics like All Halo 3 Mods (U.T.D.) (250 mods) (which by the way i now has 296 mods) here's a topic i hope can grow Feel free to post some of your amazing screenshots and maybe it can get on here anyway here's the list (some may be direct links and some may just be a fileshare that everything on it is really good) Enjoy (everyone on this list has amazing talent and very good job for these people on this list) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...amertag=JIME108 (A fileshare that all r good) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...x?gamertag=OvyZ (WOW how is this not a mod) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...g=termiNATHANer (Amazing) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...ag=Predator5791 (speechless) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...tag=BlandKitten (nice work with weapons) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...ag=Unbredraptor (Capturing the moment) http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...%20OLD%20HIPPIE -(WOW this must have took time) http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=46471559 I hope to add more to this list this is just the begining and if you thank your mods are this good or better plz tell me and I will add to the list
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