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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. nice bro. i like the shiny effect. i just started. so its my first too. lawl.
  2. k. well at least you replied.
  3. all my roses
  4. im chanllenging you. wut ev program you want. mi first: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/ibotzsig.jpg dnt forget to sumbit 2 or 3 by saturday.

    XBL accounts

    mine is Jimmyg1995
  6. 1201 ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  7. 1st of all its my opinion and second im shur grunl or sum1 will unban
  8. nice mod bro. ah mae zing
  9. stop messin with him. dude all teh gfx teamz and some who rnt gfx r 100 timz better Edit: (pic)
  10. dark legay dnt make porn. i went to go look to ban him and he duznt hav any. but he is a d*ck
  11. bad joke. long a*$ joke. toock an hour to read.
  12. i kno 1 more. can u record
  13. can eyze join. GT: Jimmyg1995
  14. ok can some 1 make me a sig with a spartan (halo 3) a cod 4 marine, and a devil. whoever makes the best i will give 400 points, the second place i wil give 200 points, third i will give 100 points. thnx in advance preppy.
  15. number 1 most def. (just thought id bring this back up)
  16. i think tht if your gonna charge make it like 200,000 oint instead of real money. Or do tryouts.
  17. But anyway theyre not
  18. read the storys. no cheif
  19. i hope it aint cancer bro
  20. i <3 cheif. Ill miss him. Cortana FTW!!!!!1
  21. Plz Close
  22. o well
  23. i mean with the original look
  24. nice this is f***ing halarious
  25. ill post pick ltr. Interests: Peaches Mom lol. jk. Video Games, Girls, Sports, Tech!
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