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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. what is it
  2. Can Somebody make a mod of the room where you fight Tarturus
  3. so what. it is just kool to kno if it is real or not.
  4. Its not a Rick Roll. It is bungie in general so its not just h3. So where else would it fit???
  5. i think it will be the same story but it wont b halo becuz it is not about destroying halos it will b about findin cheif.
  6. then he got sniped in the head by iBotPeaches
  7. and while he was flying around he hears a penguin damsel in destress.
  8. and he could make any animal sound.
  9. tht was mean
  10. mayb it will b people lookin for cheif
  11. Story 1 W/O Cheif
  12. U guys can start stories. New: There was once a blue duck.
  13. then he and joe died of a heart attack. The End. New story: The was once a black guy named Tyrone
  14. Then Osama pointed nukes at the moon.
  15. Then he met an alien named Joe!!!
  16. he loved Cookies
  17. This is a game we played on an old site i used to use. I will start a story and every user can add to it. Then eventually someone can end after they add to it and start a new story. Ill start: The was once a super marine.

    ms points

    wrong section. someone move
  19. we canstill spread through customs


    yeah. i love wall-e!! great movie.
  21. hope it works for me!!
  22. cant wait for any programs to come out
  23. awesome plz release
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