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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. get the top side of the disc
  2. i dnt hav a crush on my sis. it was an example
  3. it seems legal
  4. can you prove it works (buttons in names)
  5. lol. nice steamy pick
  6. i agree. prep girls tht play sports (jocks) are hut
  7. no. like my sis a jocky girl.
  8. but i try not too.
  9. not as much as jocks
  10. ok. and im sowwen for da whole fight on your last tut
  11. i think itll be pretty bad. controls = phail
  12. tut mayb plz. sir.
  13. no. like i kno a bunch of girls tht like play basketball, and softball. theyre nice. and not too mentoin hot.
  14. my b. il restart bein on topic. tut easy to follow. nice.
  15. yea this is really off topic.


    wut kind of ladys du you like??? i like jocks.
  17. just make new accounts use the free gold trial
  18. im ok. but i want in.
  19. i like thos kinda girls. but i like jock girls better
  20. blow me. ur a @#%$in* dick
  21. yay. go iBotModz.net Pikmin FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. lol. i love tht snl skit. "I got a fever and the only cure is more cowbell!"
  23. how did he scam you
  24. rofl. necrofelia ftw!!!!!!!!
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