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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. dude i like *** not dick
  2. is chilleh a girl or guy

    Anime 08

    yea the colors are pretty nice.
  4. yea just lock it.
  5. i got one. if shes hot i dnt give a flying fu*#
  6. all of the above.
  7. or my big awesome vainy roster (tehe)
  8. i love it. (not as much as skinny scenes/emos)
  9. tht sucks hope fully we will still see you sumtimes
  10. other than it being host only. really nice flooding.
  11. july 24, 2080 is the saddest day on earth. my death :cry:
  12. yea they are never "money percent number up percent number" lawl. but they are hot.
  13. yea lax. Chilleh FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I LOVE all skinny girls.
  15. yea and they have no heart!!!!!!!!
  16. really nice mod. i love this. really want to play this. but i do have three words. ah may zing!!!
  17. thts a lot of mods!!!!!!!!!!
  18. nice. i like it
  19. i wish it was tru
  20. i wish
  21. its pretty P.I.M.P
  22. see, most of us are here for ya bro
  23. hope it is 1-3 weeks
  24. yea as long as the emo aint fat. skinny bit**es ftw
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