Anybody wanna set a new Halo 3 record? I can tell you what it is (so noone will take my idea) until the time we do it. I need 5 more people (at least 1 needs a capture card). Im hoping to do it 10/12/08. At 7:30 EST. Add PREPPY DIABLO on XBL and leave a comment on the thread if you want in. So what do you say? Anybody? 1.PREPPY DIABLO (gt= Jimmyg1995) 2.GMOF Slidell (GMOF Tucker) 3.WTFPEACHES (Elite Hippie) 4.ILIKETURTLES (xparagas) 5.swatcinema (xtwisted metal) 6.SteppinRazor (iKevin713) 7.SotG Caboose (SotG Caboose ) 8.swampy666 (Xswampy Z57X ) 9.BTKC124 (v ROBiX v) 10.Athrun Zala 02 (Athrun Zala 02) 11.Decatur (XLLGX Decatur) 12.*RESERVED* 13. 14. 15. 16.