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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. dont forget to add me
  2. yay. now we only need 14 more wuts your gt
  3. Anybody wanna set a new Halo 3 record? I can tell you what it is (so noone will take my idea) until the time we do it. I need 5 more people (at least 1 needs a capture card). Im hoping to do it 10/12/08. At 7:30 EST. Add PREPPY DIABLO on XBL and leave a comment on the thread if you want in. So what do you say? Anybody? 1.PREPPY DIABLO (gt= Jimmyg1995) 2.GMOF Slidell (GMOF Tucker) 3.WTFPEACHES (Elite Hippie) 4.ILIKETURTLES (xparagas) 5.swatcinema (xtwisted metal) 6.SteppinRazor (iKevin713) 7.SotG Caboose (SotG Caboose ) 8.swampy666 (Xswampy Z57X ) 9.BTKC124 (v ROBiX v) 10.Athrun Zala 02 (Athrun Zala 02) 11.Decatur (XLLGX Decatur) 12.*RESERVED* 13. 14. 15. 16.


    i love execpt blank side i think ruins it
  5. h2 is kool and all but there is no forge mode. and it duznt have the h3 feel.
  6. thanks man. coag for life.
  7. if we get enough sigs thell listen
  8. o well wutever
  9. thts an xbox 360 laptop.
  10. plz dnt comment unless you sign.
  11. theyre retarded. but just try to get people to sign.
  12. ill never give up.
  13. http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/petition-sign.cgi?BBBGC]Petiton Link://http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_p...GC]Petiton Link://http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_p...GC]Petiton Link://http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_p...GC]Petiton Link Please sign!
  14. 1405 mor bungie games to come.
  15. love em. fatt's are better. mine are best and beastly http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/gilzeros.jpg
  16. this is pretty cool
  17. i cant read f in text.
  18. once again i like every thing except the text.
  19. text bad. like the rest.
  20. teeth are oddd
  21. cheifs head is weird
  22. i like the fire. text is bad.
  23. i dont like how it is tinted a little bit.
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