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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. nice sig/tutorial. btw you always pick hot girls for sigs!!!!!!! Hot Girls FTW!!!!!!!!!!
  2. nice i lov it. btw i didnt write "what is it" that was wen i was hacked.
  3. nice. i like it.
  4. thts cool. i like the first pic you liked
  5. no. but dnt forget to to submit 2 or 3 pics for our competition by saturday
  6. how and wouldnt you get banned
  7. Is there a way to make a gamer picture???
  8. nice. tutorial. +1
  9. no. i doubt it.
  10. k. mine is either chris or corona
  11. thnx for feedback
  12. 13. i just strated this week. which is ur favorite
  13. i could play games. but its k. o well
  14. Sigs: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/zerosuitsig.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chrissigwords.jpg___http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chrissignoname.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/billssig.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/coronasig.jpg___http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/coronasignoname.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/gowsig.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/batmansig.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/ibotzsig.jpg Others: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/rosev3.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/rosehalostyle.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chief4.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chief3.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chief2.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chief1.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/chief5.jpg I know some are really basic. Oh well. If you want corona or Chris let me know ( evn though i kno they aren't that good. Comments and crtisism are welcome.
  15. bull crap man.
  16. here: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/gowsig.jpg feed back is well appreciated (i kno right is blurry)
  17. itz better than any thing youll eva du
  18. nice i like it

    new sig

    here: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/batmansig.jpg feed back would b nice (only my second sig. i know its to big)
  20. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/ibotzsig.jpg feed back is well apreciated
  21. paint dot net edit: im using corel paint shop pro.
  22. dude tht suks majorly
  23. im usin pdn. u can us paint. sumbit two or three
  24. thnk you for mayb tryin.
  25. grunl ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw u need some work modz3rATor/noodle
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