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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. i was talkin about followin tuts
  2. just messin around. im gonna start tuts soon.
  3. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13053 and no. thats not all
  4. Not really i was bored at 2 am
  5. um it is my own work. y would it not be???
  6. i am bad at text. check out my other 1. its just like this.
  7. its abstract and it says preppy. i just suck at text.
  8. i was bored and i wanted the monkey to be asian. lol. jk. i was just bored.
  9. original render:http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10413
  10. i guess screwing around works out. thats like 2 layers man.
  11. - like 7 well its like 2 am and there is a layer, a c4d, and fugly text.
  12. i actually did text? Its actually not bad this time. + random freestyle i did
  13. thats blended really well
  14. idk. just startin to photoshop again. i know i suck. but no text because is suck at it. edit: only to layers!
  15. thanx and we need more sigs! comon guys
  16. SIGN THIS PETITION!!!!!! http://guardianhost.com/realweeklynews/ind...reform-petition
  17. @khaos do we still have the deal we worked up yesterday
  18. i wanna been i a video with a chicken a cow and pamela anderson
  19. yeah they will. the community ain't stoopid
  20. nice but this is a worse fail
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