After many times I've found the best way to do endure, you need to go on lost platoon and then on the side of the map there is that ramp with the circle area. Go up there and say there, then get everyone in choppers, this way all the enemies have to walk up the ramp to get to you + you can splatter chieftains. Also make sure one person had a spartan laser to kill the wraiths.
The xclamp fix isn't a good fix; try the xclamp trick hybrid. I also don't have the materials for a jtag mod, and I've never done one, so I would rather not try a first attempt on a 360 I don't own.
um don't all heatguns do that? A normal heatgun is bad beacuse it causes flexing and damage becasue its too wide, uneven heating, and too much heat. My smd rework station is ment to do things like this, and you can get it to the exact temp you want.
First of all its a smd rework station on the drill press. Yeah at the beggining of november i had no idea what e73 was, at that time i only worked with rrod and e74 360s which are the most common errors. Also no im right, im talking about the caps not the resistors. Try blowing one and find out XD Also it really doesn't matter what i say anymore becasue it doesn't matter what's true, just what most people believe.
While actuly ive never done a jtag, I fix 360s i really don't mod them. I don't think you really want me to try and jtag it. I can definatly fix it for you, just not jtag it, sorry.
well thats one 360, and then obviously there was anouther problem there. After a ton of repairs one thing I've learned is every 360 is a little bit differant.
repairs, what youtube fixes ? I've tried this, it can last a little bit without the fan, obviously not for long, but it doesn't go to overheating after 30 secs with the heatsinks, don't believe me go try it
You are the biggest retard ever, what do you even know about repairing 360s? It can last a few minutes with out the fan, but not long, just as long as you have the heatsinks on. Also it depends on a lot of things, like the room temp for example. Also rrod is the solderballs, 2 rings is overheating. The reason why it works when you have it in a certain spot is the pressure on the chips. So find some other place besides youtube to get your info
No, the xbox can run for a couple minutes with the heatsinks on and no fan without overheating. The rrod is a problem with the solderballs under a chip, they lost connection. The reason why the xclamp works is by pushing those solderballs back, reconnecting them yet the xclamp bends the board so it will break again, it just depends how long you play it. Like lets you you play it for hours on end a day that causes more flxing (bending) then a day you play it for 1-2 hours. So it will eventually break, just the more and longer you play it the faster it will break.
its the xclamp thats making it like that, its probably too tight, try loosening them becasue it could be shorting something. Tell me if loosening them works, if not then its somehting else.
Sorry i don't do the jtag mod, im good with hardware, and not that good with software. For payment paypal would be best, i will send you an invoice when the repair is done. So then have any more questions? Also whats ur email? ill email you the shipping address.
You get the 2 red rings because the screws are too tight. Since it shows rrod though along with 2 rings then the xclamp fix isn't working. When the xclamp fix is applied its shows rrod right, and when you tighten then or loosen them it shows 2 rings. The problem is probably somewhere different. It sounds like it may be the Southbridge or the ram. As for repairs its $35 just for the repair, I use professional tools to fix your Xbox (search smd rework station on google), I also add on the xclamp trick hybrid and that is similar to the xclamp trick yet it prevents flexing, does even pressure, fixes many of the 360s problems, and lasts longer. I only make $10-$15 because of the costs of parts. Which is the best deal out there. A jtag is hard work, the cheapest I've heard is $40 just for a jtag, and so if your looking for both for $40 your xbox isn't going to last longer than 2 hours lol.
Don't do the xclamp trick. First of all it applies uneven pressure on the chips, you have a huge amount of pressure pushing on the top of the chip causing flexing so the fix won't last long and the error will come back. Also with the xclamp trick you need to overheat the 360 which is very bad. Overheating gets your 360 well over 100C which may reconnect some solder balls but extremely lightly because lead-free solder balls in the 360 melt at 217C+. By doing this youâre damaging your 360 because first of all the caps have a max operating temp of 105C so youâre damaging them. Also the dvd drive is right on top on the gpu heating and the heat can't be good for that. So don't do the xclamp fix lol XD