Hey my friend got the e73 with 1 red ring and so he told me to fix it he found a tut saying that he could use the baker baker method to fix it. So i was interested by it and asked some1 and they said not to do it and i haven't really be able to find much more info about it besdies it possibly invloving heating ur 360 by oven. Anyways i want to help my friend out so, what is the baker baker method, how do you do it, will it work, and if not what is the best way to fix the e73 error besides selling it (not a temp fix) Ok well if you guys can answer some of my question that will be great, thanks
yeah i agree, besides this is barely scratching the surface of what a dev can do, like what besides reasearching how to make a public release how long did it take to make this, 10, 20 secs at most??
this isnt anyting we have seen before... really like what are you gettign here just some already released programs in 1... so why pay 25 dollars for programs already out there.... there also selling games on the program and other for free, but you can always get them for free from any other site cool random pics:
yeah thats simmilar to mine exect that see with my strategy it rocks no matter who your with, becasuse see all the enemys have to walk over to the ramp and u can easily concentrate all ur fire and completely kill every1
uh read the title again.... Best Way To Get ENDURE not best way to get the most points and with alpha site ur okay against most stuff but not wiht a cheiften or hunter. With this once we got set up we rarely died the only realy time some1 died is when they left where we were, like here u can just easily mow anythign down or shoot it down, dude all ground enimes have 2 walk to the ramp to get by you so every1 can easily concentrate ur fire right on them, and also u have 3 other ppl in choopers with u, so thats whay this is the best way for endure lol
Made by ReconIII and Tylerbata After many tries i think ive found the best way to beat endure. First do it on lost platton, then you have 2 things you can do. One you can grab 2 choppers then 2 of your 4 people get in then and then get a wraith, to get the wraith you use the same glitch as the glitch 2 drive an anti-air wraith on halo 3 then have the other two people get into the wraith. Then you head over to the circle park area on the side of the map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=97643389 Two you grab 4 choppers and get in them, then go over to the same area of the map and sit there because that forces all ground enemies to walk around 2 that ramp to get to you. So then you just focus all your fire in that direction. Combined with both these you always need 2 get a spartan laser to knock out the far wraith, and then just use the choppers, or choppers and wraith to knock out the closser wraith.pic: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=97648174 if you want my opinion ive found that the second way is better becasue we went into the fourth set with over 20 lives and over 1 mill points, also when ur in the wraith you can't leave it or it will blow up and also if you die in it it can be a huge mess to get anouther 1 ps lol plz + rep
for mine i helped my friends through the first 3 sets them i had 2 go and didnt want 2 screw em so i left my xbox on then came back right at the bonus round at the end 2 see the acheivement