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Everything posted by halo3

  1. halo3


    No it doesn't not at all and really think about it, if your going to repair something you want to go to sears get a heatgun and try to fix an xbox!? What kind of person thinks an industrial heatgun can fix a 360 let alone fix any peice of hardware!?
  2. thing the flamming helmet can be modded in? otherwise i'll get the legendary
  3. halo3


    Tut lol unless you want a crappy sears heatgun reflow there are no tuts. You need a professional reflow one that will last if you want it repaired. The pennies will not work in this case, not just because it's a bad repair, because the problem is probably not with the hana chip, the problem is the gpu. You tired the x-clamp trick which I said doesn't last long, causes flexing, and when it breaks it will be more damaged. You tried the x-clamp trick therefore the problem is the gpu. If you want it repaired the right and lasting way I only charge $35 +shipping and no charge for the repair until I repair your 360. With that I give reflows with a custom bga rework station, parts replacements, I add on shims to the gpu and cpu, add on extra heatsinks(if wanted), and I add on the hybrid advanced. If you are interested in a repair my email is xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com
  4. what about da tank? also im happy jtag ppl get to keep the beta forever
  5. What the heck why so cheap?
  6. how is that bad? jtags will still go up, and kvs will too
  7. im sure there is one private, sooner or later it will be released. Btw i got 2 ppl who want to buy it
  8. I'm sure they will sooner or later, besdies if you get it you can put freeboot on it
  9. well i like xbr and I'm sure there will be an update or something sooner or later
  10. xenon, but in great condition, and i cleaned it
  11. Putte08 has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?
  12. I have an Xbox 360 jtag for sale. Not x-clamped (means it won't break in a week like the rest) Includes Av cable+ Power brick XBR New Benq dvd drive Great Condition Added shims to the Gpu and Cpu Added something to prevent flexing and rrod the right way (no x-clamp) Unbanned Have the unbanned kv file if you want to sell it Also whenever I run a 360 I keep it vertical and with a laptop cooler under it so I take care of it Looking to at least $300 for it.
  13. Add ReconIII or my friend Tylerbata. Btw i know an amazing strategy to do this.
  14. lol can't wait for the beta, and also since i haz a jtag i can haz the beta forever
  15. 1 cent , ps3s suck lol
  16. if you fix the colors and the the design of somethings it would be perfect
  17. hack it =]
  18. this is old lol, but yeah I've played on it,great map btw what are the beams?
  19. I say that becasue the xclamp fix is in every tut and everyone thinks its the best it the world; but no it's not and its sucks. Just trying to spread the word around so idiots will stop doing the xclamp trick and stop killing their 360s.
  20. Why don't you open your eyes and look around , these things sell for $300+
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