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Everything posted by halo3

  1. lol yeah it is too easy to mess somthing up, no affence but none of you are helping solve my problem
  2. but that doesn't help.... whenever i save it doesnt stay!
  3. ok uh this sucks, ok the other day i was puting a map on my 360 and i put it in the wrong folder by accedent, so i moved it on top on the right folder and it deleted all my halo 3 saved things, but thats not my problem, ever since then when i save a map it is there, but if i turn my 360 off and then back on everything i saved is gone but not my recent stuff. I have not looked at the halo 3 folder in xport yet, maybe its saving just not showing up? idk but obviously this is a problem and help will be very appreciated. ps think it is my hard drive? maybe i should get a new 1?
  4. great work
  5. halo3

    Not My IP

    what the heck lol it says for me failed to change ip. try again later, how do i fix
  6. oh ok lol i have confirmation on that, it doesn't seem to make a difference at all
  7. confirmed that this does convert form dev to retial, but there are some problems like as most of us have seen u could be outside the map, i think it just depends on what is modded ps plz +rep
  8. halo3


    lol $5700 used?
  9. no becasue it is random with this some xboxs it works other not so much lol
  10. no becasue it is random with this some xboxs it works other not so much lol
  11. my gt is swampfoxE7 plz add me ps dont listen to xpar hes just jelous lol
  12. the odst works 4 you? cant u release ur profile, screw it up so ppl cant go online, or make a new profile with the save so ppl can play it epsilion can u release it? ps bump^^
  13. can't yo get banned
  14. well what about halo 3 campaign, what would happen then lol, i loves lag
  15. lol i didnt think ppl here played runescape, lol it is just getting worse and worse...
  16. can you dl this or something
  17. the odst works 4 you? cant u release ur profile, screw it up so ppl cant go online, or make a new profile with the save so ppl can play it
  18. wow 1 year lol congrats
  19. what the heck lol wow i remember when i first made this
  20. everyone is a critic, besides when have i ever typed anything like that, lol you still can read that and i only made 1 mistake, come on... Also now updated with pics becasue of epsilon
  21. lol
  22. does this include a profile?
  23. hey if you still need help i can help you, ps what is ur gamertag? i always wanted a german person on my friends list
  24. yeah i know lol but it is online so this is the one place spelling doesn't matter
  25. a save, this is a glitch i did and i made a save so you could load it and play, no affence but do i really have to spell it out for you guys .......
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