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Everything posted by halo3

  1. I can easily fix this for you; I repair 360s any error. I don't do the xclamp fix which bends the boards causing damage, or the penny trick which does more harm than good, or the overheating trick which kills it all. I use professional tools, and the best methods out there to fix your 360. So you will get a quality, lasting repair. I only charge $35 + return shipping for any repair and I don't charge anything till I fix it. So if youâre interested or if you have any questions my aim is itemcentral and my email is xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com btw rrod doesn't mean its the gpu and/or cpu so xclamp trick wouldn't even fix it. It could be the southbridge, hana chip, ram, ect.
  2. its not an opinion its fact
  3. again i repeat, read what i said to az's 2 comments. Lol and there is a reason why he hasn't commented again
  4. yeah i know free isn't that nice, and atm i am working on making a site. Besides jsut becasue my website isn't that nice doesn't mean anything. Also david, how much, and what bandwidth, ect.?
  5. free is better, now look who even knows anything about repairs here? Your going from and trusting a creep who apparently doesn't know what he's doing. read my responces to him before any1 else replies
  6. Free is better than anything and until the site become more popular free is good. No he doesn't not at all. As shown above he doesn't know anything, and not besides why even trust him? He said a 360 can run perfectly fin without caps, he uses youtube fixes, he really doesn't understand much about repairs, and much much more.
  7. are you kidding he is an idiot with the false facts he has stated Besides sure if the xclamp works it won't last long and is the worst fix.
  8. because i work with hardware not software So what the heck? they are 2 opposite things how can you even think of comparing them!? Btw lol sorry 3 posts in a row, maybe some can edit them to just 1 large post XD
  9. 1. What do you mean? I fully know how to use my equipment, why is the world would i get soemthing I couldn't use! 2. the differance is 0.75mm 3. Yes flexing is the main issue 4. Well if your so smart, ever bothered to read the side of 1? It says max overeating temp of 105C and with overheaitng you getting it over 105C 5. Becasue i take a lot of pride in repairs and make sure its done right 6.read what i said above 7.helps take aways a little heat, not much, but anything helps
  10. Az doesn't have the slightest clue on repairing 360s. Heatgunning has a wide heat range, you could be giving it too much heat. Also a heat gun causes major flexing and is the WORST reflow out there. As to the fact that I knew nothing about repairing 360s and randomly appeared, no I have been repairing 360s for a while and decided to online with it. Also, Az I told you I didn't learn about repairs just through xbox-scene, I learned from personal experience and months of research. Also my rework station is expensive yes, but well worth it. You need to spend money to make money and with my set-up I'm getting better results so it's worth it. About the capacitors, if they are blown sometimes you can't even turn on your 360, or it displays the 3 red rings. So what the heck do you mean without them your 360 can run perfectly fine!? With my prices I only make $10-$15, I only charge $35 now, and still that doesn't include shipping. I do this on the side and so I'm not looking to make much. So get your facts straight Az
  11. halo3

    For Sale

    yeah you can trust him
  12. well yeah im legit lol XD and yeah thx
  13. what the heck!?
  14. Hey so i repair 360s, any error. I use the best tools and methods for repair 360s. I don't do the xclamp, penny trick, and overheating the xclamp trick add a huge ammount of pressure on the gpu, cpu, or both which casues flexing and also on older 360s the metal case is uneven which really flexes the board so the error will come back.http://xbox-experts.com/tutorial/team-hybrids-ultimate-xclamp-fix-released/pics/schematics/schematics_complete_x.jpg One of the things I do is the xclamp trick hybrid which doesn't flex the 360 like the xlcamp trick The penny trick flexes the board a huge ammount really damageing the 360. With overheating people claim it remelts the solder fixing it, well it doesn't lol. For one overheating get your 360 to well over 100C and the compassitors have a max operating temp. of 105C so your ruining those thing along with other things. Lead free solder which the 360 has melts at at least 217C so your doing nothing good for your 360 when overheating. Since I do this on the side I'm not willing to make much so I only charge $35 +return shipping and I won't charge you anything till I fix your 360, chances are I will but there are a small ammount of 360s that are unrepairable, but look since Im experianced and have the best tools and methods If can't fix your 360 no one can. So for more info go to Xbox 360 Smart Repairs To contract me my aim is itemcentral and my email is xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com ps I also do case mods for a little extra but I will spray paint your 360 for free if desired and I have elite color paint that deals with the heat so it will help your 360
  15. halo3


    hey I fix 360s, any error. I use the best ways and tools to fix your 360 and its a permenant fix. No stupid penny trick, overheating, or xclamp trick. They all casue flexing and so the error will come back. Let me have a look at it chances are I can repair this and I won't charge you anything until I fix this, and plus im the cheapest out there becasue im not looking to make much since I do this as a hobby, its only $25 +return shipping. For more info go to xbox360smartrepairs.webs.com my aim is itemcentral and email me at xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com
  16. yeah it is the RJ45 port is the ethernet port... and the xclamp wouldnt hurt it
  17. ok thanks, hmm so what do u think would be like the best order to try to fix it? i was thinking first try the xclamp method, then if that doesnt work try to reflow it with a heat gun, and then replace the ethernet port and yeah i guess ill retouch all the solder ones. So think that is the right order i should try things? like the xclamp and reflow with a heat gun wouldnt kill it as long as i do it right.
  18. yes, now also about the post above, its not really expensive, i can get a heat gun on ebay for about $20, in fact i think i have 1 lying around some where and what skill do you need? I think i can wrap some parts in tinfoil and heat up the gpu.... so wow i don't have enough skill to do that... thanks peaches....
  19. thanks but anyways any chance i can also get a link with how to do it without the over hey also whats the differance between this and the baker baker method??? Also i found this E73: General Hardware Error: Ethernet port... this error is caused by a problem with the Ethernet port so do u think replacing the ethernet port would solve the problem?
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