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Everything posted by halo3

  1. who won? some contest......
  2. halo3

    Reach mods

    looking to get $300 http://xbox-forum.com/xbox-360-jtag-for-sale-no-xclamp-t645.html btw best way to contact me is my email: xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com
  3. halo3

    Reach mods

    i have one 4 sale
  4. lol there going to fix a lot of things, remember its a beta
  5. halo3

    Reach mods

    Lol crappy quality since I don't have a capture card, but besides that what do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2ClmrObO2U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUqOGPSk1J8
  6. halo3

    Zombie Plan

    Move up north like canada and hide out because zombies are stupid and couldn't take the cold.
  7. hard to use XD some1 make a tut
  8. yes they will work and it will help the 360 to live longer
  9. I got it =-) but i think if the halo 2 codes didn't come out today there comming out may 3rd so who else got it
  10. i gotz it lol and half an hour or less before it was taken down
  11. well release it, who won?
  12. who won?
  13. I will btw the beta is splitscreen
  14. unless you have a jtag that is
  15. So if this really does get emailed out the 29th anyone want to sell one? Or I'd even trade a kv. I really want the beta! =-)
  16. That was stupid
  17. lol! I'll dl this l8r
  18. Korupt Data Is watching over IBM with his magical cyborg eyez
  19. now just to print it out and eat it
  20. has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?


  21. halo3


    $90 shipping? Why are you in the uk? Also unless you want a chip reball the cost is only $35 +shipping.
  22. BARREL ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. halo3

    L4D The Passing

    your nice
  24. lol im happy with my jtag i get to keep and play the beta forever
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