Thank you for caring guys, It means alot to me. I really don't feel good, My dad is gonna take me to the ER in about 20mins. Honestly, It feels like im dying. And Obama won, f him. I really don't like him. >.>
I have the flu, I wont be able to talk this week at all. Im on 4 prescription's. 2 Anti biotics 1 Inner ear pill And tylonol 3 (30mg of codine per) im very sick, and very sad. Hope everyone is alright PS: Mccain is winning
Thank you to everyone who has voted me for Global Mod i really appriciate it! And @ dark slipstream, You are like a VB god and your GUI looks insane. So i leave that to you hahah. Oh, and everyone that sees this. Fallout 3 is amazing!!
For XP-Modder Darkslipstream DID ALL THE CODING. I did alot of profile research on this. We work together, But i would call it more dark's program then ours. Ily brian
Since im near DC. Im actually 30mins from it. Im surrounded by democrats and Black people. I took a survey at school, of every black person that wanted obama to win. None of them could tell me why besides the fact he is black. I really dislike the fact these kids just want a black president. They dont even know what obama offers (What he lies about). MCcain helped NYC after 9/11 and got the city back in order. Obama was in one of the most financial crises ever. John mccain served as a great senator for about 20years +. Obama has been in there for nearly 10. Mccain is a older more influential and succesive and intelligent man. obama hasnt had the experience or respect mccain has. Obama is a random. Mccain is a beast. John McCain, Sarah Palin 08
DUde, Dark. We should do this together!!! Warthog power fo sho!!. If anyone else wants to do this. Hit me up XBL ScReAm iTz FaTe (Dont be afriad of my 5 50's and 5* general!)
Thank you for consideration Halo, I always appriciate the support! Now dont take this in the wrong way, But you were a moderator before. So maybe someone else can try? You were a good mod, i remember you on the old site!
game requirements. -Flashed Xbox 360 DvD Drive -Game burning software burner -A brain -Time And this game was leaked 3 weeks ago. And i know someone that has modded it too!. its a great game.
Hello, Since i was included in the Ibotmodz survey to become a global moderator i will now post my Accomplishments and i will ask you for your vote!. Ok. Hello, my name is .Eli I am here to ask you for your vote, So i have a chance at becoming global moderator. What can i do for you? I can provide you with a safe, User friendly forum by removing harsh and harmfull post's and or members. I can also begin to start posting useful info for newer members, On how to gain respect. And what not to do wrong! I can make the face of IBM filled with Enthusiasm and surprise with advertisement and weekly Raffles. In my raffles you will have a chance to either win 1-Money 2-An xbox or 3- BOTH!!!! Why should i deserve mod? Because i have been a loyal member since June 1st, 2008. And i was a member on the old IBM a year back. I have brought tears and joy to members all around, including useful programs, VIP packages, And Tips. I have been a happy and enthusiastic member, And i am always looking for a way to make people laugh. I yell at the ignorant and the poor, And i tell people "ZOMG BYE BYE ROUTER" and people laugh! I'm asking for your vote as an Ibotmodz member to support me as becoming a Global moderator. And i promise you 100%, you will not be making a mistake. And i will bring alot of joy to the community. Vote here! Or in my signiture!