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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. Fuck Obama i hope he dies
  2. I'd have to go with, Make them smaller. Compressing 2 isnt a smart choice.
  3. I wonder what that could be blurred
  4. Lol, i doubt you had it before me slidell.
  5. .Eli


    Thank you for caring guys, It means alot to me. I really don't feel good, My dad is gonna take me to the ER in about 20mins. Honestly, It feels like im dying. And Obama won, f him. I really don't like him. >.>
  6. .Eli


    I have the flu, I wont be able to talk this week at all. Im on 4 prescription's. 2 Anti biotics 1 Inner ear pill And tylonol 3 (30mg of codine per) im very sick, and very sad. Hope everyone is alright PS: Mccain is winning
  7. .Eli

    iBotModz Survey

    Thank you to everyone who has voted me for Global Mod i really appriciate it! And @ dark slipstream, You are like a VB god and your GUI looks insane. So i leave that to you hahah. Oh, and everyone that sees this. Fallout 3 is amazing!!
  8. .Eli

    iBotModz Survey

    For XP-Modder Darkslipstream DID ALL THE CODING. I did alot of profile research on this. We work together, But i would call it more dark's program then ours. Ily brian
  9. Since im near DC. Im actually 30mins from it. Im surrounded by democrats and Black people. I took a survey at school, of every black person that wanted obama to win. None of them could tell me why besides the fact he is black. I really dislike the fact these kids just want a black president. They dont even know what obama offers (What he lies about). MCcain helped NYC after 9/11 and got the city back in order. Obama was in one of the most financial crises ever. John mccain served as a great senator for about 20years +. Obama has been in there for nearly 10. Mccain is a older more influential and succesive and intelligent man. obama hasnt had the experience or respect mccain has. Obama is a random. Mccain is a beast. John McCain, Sarah Palin 08
  10. If you have an update console, You no longer run Linux on the 360. Sad =/
  11. DUde, Dark. We should do this together!!! Warthog power fo sho!!. If anyone else wants to do this. Hit me up XBL ScReAm iTz FaTe (Dont be afriad of my 5 50's and 5* general!)
  12. Not currently, Maybe later on he will release a tool that does that. This one pretty much just add's special characters and such.
  13. .Eli

    iBotModz Survey

    Yay .
  14. Still, i love this thread dude. This took you a LONG TIME. And i respect that effort. Keep up the good work
  15. Thanks everyone! =]
  16. Hi im .Eli *BEEP* 5 seconds later WTF why did it beep i said HI!!!! *BEEP* DAMN BEEP BEEEp x100000 lol
  17. No bull. I have to say DOOM has some corny 8bit tracks!
  18. .Eli


    Thank you for consideration Halo, I always appriciate the support! Now dont take this in the wrong way, But you were a moderator before. So maybe someone else can try? You were a good mod, i remember you on the old site!
  19. There is a few maps like this, I know of >Guardian >Construct >Thepit Thats all i have seen. People boost customs, Its silly =p
  20. game requirements. -Flashed Xbox 360 DvD Drive -Game burning software burner -A brain -Time And this game was leaked 3 weeks ago. And i know someone that has modded it too!. its a great game.
  21. They could have put a little more effort into this, And maybe more vibrant / abstract work. I love abstract.
  22. .Eli


    Hello, Since i was included in the Ibotmodz survey to become a global moderator i will now post my Accomplishments and i will ask you for your vote!. Ok. Hello, my name is .Eli I am here to ask you for your vote, So i have a chance at becoming global moderator. What can i do for you? I can provide you with a safe, User friendly forum by removing harsh and harmfull post's and or members. I can also begin to start posting useful info for newer members, On how to gain respect. And what not to do wrong! I can make the face of IBM filled with Enthusiasm and surprise with advertisement and weekly Raffles. In my raffles you will have a chance to either win 1-Money 2-An xbox or 3- BOTH!!!! Why should i deserve mod? Because i have been a loyal member since June 1st, 2008. And i was a member on the old IBM a year back. I have brought tears and joy to members all around, including useful programs, VIP packages, And Tips. I have been a happy and enthusiastic member, And i am always looking for a way to make people laugh. I yell at the ignorant and the poor, And i tell people "ZOMG BYE BYE ROUTER" and people laugh! I'm asking for your vote as an Ibotmodz member to support me as becoming a Global moderator. And i promise you 100%, you will not be making a mistake. And i will bring alot of joy to the community. Vote here! http://survey.ibotmodz.net//index.php?sid=13587&lang=en Or in my signiture!
  23. He think's he is cool for posting important people in his Credits. He's a nobody, Dont listen to this kid. This program you may call is worthless.
  24. Oh, so you are trying to create an ONLINE media player? Hmm, i might know someone that can help.
  25. Dark Slipstream is a VB god. He will help you i am sure
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