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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. .Eli

    Team Unix

    http://teamunix.org/ They have been caught, I knew it. NOT JOKING
  2. Lol its early as **** in the morning for us, and for you in Australia its not. **** conflickr its fake ass april fools ********
  3. Obey the rules, Don't say dumb stuff, Im pretty sure the staff banned you for a good reason. Now its up to you to appeal to be un banned
  4. Good luck running 12gb of ram when vista can only withold 3gb.
  5. To me, and Dan.
  6. Firefox is the best out of everything, so easy to customize on it.
  7. Well done peaches, this is very good. This makes me wan't to get back into halo 2 modding again. Since its fun.
  8. I love the following people =] WITHOUT HOMONESS -Khaosmaster -Steve-o -DARK SLIPSTREAM -FATTWAM HEHEHEHEHEH TOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -Peachesssssssssss Anyways, this might be better if you post it on Warez-bb.org because like thats a good way to make money ;D
  9. Welcome back to Ibotmodz!
  10. Thanks LOLOLOLOL JK <3 THis is a good idea, i get tired of all that, so its better to see the button clicked!!!! ;D
  11. Sheesh, tom your retarded. RESTARTING THE MODEM/ROUTER TAKES 5mins. NOT 12hours. NUB
  12. I did not sign up, but since im VIP. Be prepared for great things from .ELi again. Thanks =] you just inspired me to stay on ibm more often. Woo.
  13. Seems cool peaches , Can't wait for the transition to go down!
  14. .Eli

    VIP Transition

    Hi Im .Eli I love you You love me I can't wait for IPB3 -Peaches, Im still interested in that mod spot when ipb3 comes ;p, Contact me if you have any other thoughts.
  15. Go away. - .Eli
  16. Brian your gay. ily
  17. I like this suggestion, Im assuming IBP3 would have it.
  18. .Eli


    Ily Brian,Peaches.
  19. Im a moderator on Blueshadowz, ill look into your ban. Please provide me with your username
  20. .Eli

    IPB 3 Update

    Damn dude! This sucks =[, Oh well. IPB3 will be fun. =] See ya
  21. user name. Email leeds to cookie stealing and bruteforcing passwords.
  22. Im learning C# as we speak, But ive almost mastered C++.
  23. Dont buy achievement unlocker from him. If you know anything about VB or C++ or C# ANYTHING. I'll teach you what you need to know about making one yourself. Find the game you want Load it up on your console Extract the profile Write lines in VB to search for each achievement wanted Make it go back a certian number of bytes and write 12 for online, and 13 for offline. Log each achievement Simple as s***, dont waste your money
  24. .Eli

    VIP Updates

    ROFL LOFL ROFL LOFL I DUN NEED VIPZORRRR cuzz lyke me be moddd whattt. Love everyone
  25. .Eli


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