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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. http://www.zumiez.com/sites/couchtour09/baltimore.htm I'll be working at the zumiez store, and walking around outside & Behind stage. If you live in maryland, you really should come see me. I'll be giving away t-shirts and other junk. Live Bands Free Monster & Chipotle Samples Games With Prizes Going to be a great time. So guys really, if you live in maryland COME TO THIS ITS GONNA BE SICK. And if you're coming, tell me and ill get you to chill with the Circa skate team after the demo. Word -.Eli
  2. Lol i know caboose and gabe can, Im talking about who do you know that knows. Because you have no proof.
  3. Ok yung, Who are these people that know. Prove yourself.
  4. I'm un banned, its ok. I just wanted to have a little fun
  5. Kay, tahnks.
  6. Penis isnt filtered. And that was using BBcode. I dont see anywhere stating you cant get around the filter with BBcode. If its that big of a problem, it would have been nicer to PM me and warn me. But an insta ban should not be the first choice
  7. Bit defender for the win
  8. (07:54 PM) Dark Slipstream - banned for profanity In the shoutbox. Its filtered.
  9. There is only a few people that know how to do this. Under 5 people. It wont be getting leaked. If it does, then someone ****** up
  10. No you said WHAT. NOT IT
  11. I'll also help out for boosie, and i vouch for him. I have working Inf ammo.
  12. Ah.... I was wondering too, thanks for clearing it up
  13. So do i, im always downloading music.... LEGALLY (COUGH COUGH). THis conflicker virus is a joke, they fail at life.
  14. I signed it, also peaches. WE can get technical on bungie/microsoft, if they have that screenshot or someone else still does or even you, WE can trace the screenshot to the console ID it was first put on, then they would know it wasnt you because your ID was different.
  15. Its so funny, because the past year ihavent used a virus software. I got bit defender today for free, scanned my computer. No conflicker. Pathetic
  16. Give me the windows live ID, ill brute force it.
  17. .Eli

    Spam Fail

    How the hell can you try to say someones a dummy when you cant even spell. LOL
  18. .Eli

    Spam Fail

    Hahah, I couldnt stop laughing when i saw "Things" Instead of "Thinks" i was like. This is the biggest failure of spam ive seen
  19. .Eli

    Spam Fail

    That fails horribly, I logged on yahoo and i get a piece of spam. LOOK AT THIS FAIL http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7725/64182927.png
  20. Figured out what to do, thanks though.
  21. So all i would have to do is just open my 1mb+ profile, unlock the achievements i want, and transfer over? (The beta version)
  22. Looking for someone to make a tutorial for the forums, a very good one and one that contains great information. What i would like is someone to show how to fully use the Supermodders profile tool, Do it step by step, then use the Hash blocker to hash over 1mb, and then to sign at the end.
  23. .Eli


    Todays society is full of ghetto black people that think they are cool, Stop faking. Stop posting pictures of your ******* bending over, or saying gangsta or swagg or miss thang or what ever. YOUR NOT COOL. Stop ******* posting pictures of your ugly ass selves, and stop ******* having pages full of glitter and big words and **** i cant understand. **** GHETTO PEOPLE http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2610/lolghetto.jpg
  24. .Eli


    Grade 12 What U Doin On Weekdays - Wake up at 5:50am, Get changed, Go down stairs, Eat, Get on computer till 6:35, Leave at 6:40AM for school, school stats at 7:15, I get out at 2:00, get hom at 2:20, Get on computer, check myspace and stuff, play xbox, go to work, get home, sleep.
  25. .Eli

    Team Unix

    Yep, was the joke trying to see how many retards would believe it. APril fools
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