The sites dying down as you may see, If we could start to make ibotmodz more exciting and enthusiastic then it would be highly active again. We need to advertise!
To extract your profile from your HDD or MU do the following. Purchase either >Xport >Xsata (HDD ONLY) >Datel Transfer Kit (MU ONLY) >Call 18004myxbox and get transfer cable (HDD ONLY) Personally, I choose the Xport most convienent. Here's a quick Xport / Xplorer Tut. Plug in your HDD or MU to your PC with the prefered cable. Open up Xport OPen your HDD or MU Go to partition 3 Content User Profiles or Saves Now look for a folder that has all your saves in it (Should contain more then 5) It starts with E0000 In there you'll see folder named FFE at the bottom or top In there is a folder 0000 In there is your profile Now you see E0000(Insert Letters/Numbers Here) Thats your profile and thats the profile ID. Which you need to remember.
Ahhh tom tom tom..... You may not know what i have got into recently. Good o'l Unix for the win. About 5x More powerfull then 1 XR bot. Spreading away far far away Lol, You always crack me up dude. Kudos
We'll my botnet service is different then you think, I'll just be using Ibotmodz to advertise. My Botnet services include the following >Complete Botnet Guide >Installation >DNS set up >Bot creation >Free Booter >Encrypted bot (FUD) >File Encryption (FUD) So you cant really get in trouble
AS you may know, I am into botnets,DDOS protection,Security. I have services for those 3. I can assure you that is not liable for any of my trades,services,actions and i take full responsibility for any charges withdrawn to the website. I would really like to have my services be sold on here because it would be a great way to make money, If not. Talk to me first maybe we can haggle.
I sell my account. >12month of XBL >56,000 GS >3,200 M$ Points >3rd Prestige COD4 >4 Level 50's in h3 :Team Slayer :Team OBJ :MLG :Team Swat >5 Star General in h3 >GOW2 1000/1000 OFFER
Alright, Peaches. Let me know if you need any minor support with it, As in like. I know you have a staff team set, But creation of new forums, Rules, Ect.... Basic stuff. Oh, And if we need DDOS protection. I'll talk to joeybe11.
Quick question to CURRENT staff, Do you know the set date of release of IPB3? And when its out, will IBM be down for a day or two? Regards, .Eli
Wow itz vinny? No..... Here are my gamertags within 1 year time. ( Not in order ) OMG iTz GeEzY ScReAm iTz FaTe Im FkN FaTe DnT FK WiT FaTe RuN iTz FaTe FaTe iZ PrO ElI iZ GaNgStA I POOP oN kIdZ I changed them alot, I like my current one. Update on the gamercard.
Haha ignorant *******. Thats a good one, Im so ignorant because america want's a socialist to run the USA? Hahaha, Good one. Im a republican, Not democrap/Socialist. These are my belifs, i can say what i want. So anarchy, Stfu.