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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. im not saying its bad, but is this winzip ok to run Virus Total Im just wondering
  2. i dont think halo wars was the first playable mod, it was playable, but so was last reckoning. sure it had some host only stuff, but it did have weapons and sheild doors wich added a new aspect when playing the level. so for my vote im puting in halo wars and last reckoning, there both excellent maps!
  3. so is the 3rd gen nano the one w/ 4g? sorry im a little new at this
  4. I use the DVDVideoSoft Free studio, it works really good and on top of that you can do it with audio and edit the clips of video of you want as well.
  5. I JUST got an ipod nano 4g, and i want to mod it, but is that a 3rd gen ipod or what not, and will this program work with it?
  6. definately do muse, ive liked them ever since guitar hero lol. that game kicked a*s
  7. Where exactly did you move the weapons, guardian has pretty well placed weapons so i hope you didnt move them around to much. Also this is playable, at least its not the random host only junk that 90 % of the community makes. it seems he actually put some thought into placement.
  8. Its the day that celebrates when the colonies broke off from England... anyways we have fireworks and stuff, go look it up on youtube, im sure theyll have videos and stuff. Awesome map too. Is that a pic on your fileshare or just paint?
  9. yea not releasing mods now is like trying to bribe people with food who just went to get a bite to eat. Everyone can mod now. theres really not to much to H3 modding. on top of thta you have clones so im not really gonna sweat missing out on this mod..
  10. Thats the way i feel about most mods, i dont understand why people post mods with random stuff on it..
  11. please dont bump a 6 month old thread to say "nice job"
  12. wow, another connection host only mod... the mod isnt that great and neither is the forge. sorry, i just dont like it. Next time make the submarine out of modded stuff that the whole party can see, that would be cool
  13. Thanks for clearing that up, you hear so many differant things, sometimes im not sure what to beleive
  14. I really didnt like this mod. To much random suff i guess, my biggest problem is that only the connection host can see the rings and all the cool stuff
  15. 1600 microsoft points is 20 bucks so no thanks... i think thats a pretty sour deal on our end
  16. he got shot
  17. dark slip crack
  18. nice, hopefully these will be somewhat playalbe! im looking forward to them. is the extra sand connection host only?
  19. kudos to you, but why are you concerned if people are listening? have a good summer though, have fun reading lol
  20. The last time i checked slip had + 18 rep. The reason people keep - reping him is becuase he posted that thread asking for rep before he released his modz to the community. Also people do that stuff for no reason sometimes, thats why i dont like rep that much. Its a good idea, its just too flawed.
  21. hm... too bad its random like you said, wll you release any non random mods?
  22. WOW i just need to save one of these goodbyes i say and post it on every thread... well goodbye once again. have a great summer
  23. I never like lots of clones... just seems pointless to me. I realize its a test mod though so congrats
  24. when you say the public resigner, are you talking about the save editor thing?
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