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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. Thats a modded pic, tons of people can do that.
  2. I hope they changed the spawns somehow so its harder for people to spanw kill... all you had to do was camp the spawn for 5 seconds and your team could drive hte ball down the court
  3. Thanks alot this does really help. What is the differance between the mancannons?
  4. And on top of that im not to sure id like to pay for a map w/ 100 flood on it.
  5. no promises, but if you add it to your share, go on bnet, then give us the url and then take it off your share without turning off your box, it might be ok. And you need more than a link for it to be the right post format.
  6. Thanks eli, ill work on getting it done so you wont have to, but if i cant thanks.
  7. I was wondering if anyone is willing to xport 1 map for me. It is going to be based soley on playabilty. My gamertag is the same as my screen name. Thanks.
  8. I actually just heard that too peaches, last year around E3 i think they reset the ranks on H2 so they might be doing the same thing. That might be one of the things that we will " love and some things we will hate"
  9. Hm.. glad you posted that, it does help, but what does "Lets see" mean?
  10. This isnt the right post format i dont think. But ill have to try the mod out before I say anything about that. Glad you finally got your first mod.
  11. Ohh, hm... marathon 2, maybe bungie is working that into the end of h3 somehow?
  12. When is this update coming and what is it? I have heard of it but nothing too specific
  13. Could you make a mod that makes you start with a plasma rifle and then share it with me in a custom game?
  14. One of my friends told me that there is indeed a code in it.
  15. wow, 137 pages of posts. Ill just wait until the countdown ends lol
  16. Ive got to admit, this does looks pretty cool. I dont see a boat though? It just looks like a harbor or something, nice job.
  17. I was just wondering, what in the heck is bungies frontpage thing mean? What exactly is the countdown for, does anyone have a clue. I heard from somewhere that when it gets to 0 they will release info on the next halo game or something but I doubt that.
  18. Hey i was wondering if anyone has the plasma rifle and the carbine start gametypes on the bungie forums?. Or if someone is willing to give them to me in a custom. Thanks
  19. Ok heres my entry, dont flame me to bad though, I made this in PAINT so its not going to be 5 stars. I cant find any of the fancy stuff and I dont have the money to pay for it so here it is! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32226-3.png hm.. its kinda big... ...
  20. Looks good, but the link to the snipers thing is down thats the only one i dont have, hopefully you can get it fixed!
  21. OO OO Pick me! Ive never seen mods before!!! hurry im here! BTW are you planning on releasing these after you finish?
  22. The snipers link is broken. Could somebody get a new new one up maybe? thanks. Those are all really nice.
  23. Download the newest .net firmware, i think there is 3.5, thats what i have and it works great. Here it is
  24. well from what it sounds like all we will have to do is put it back on our file share after we download the map.. Unless its a permanent scanner, then we will only be able to share with customs, or accounts that dont have the maps
  25. Oh well somebody told me i can use winrar for both, but thanks anyways! Ill hit you up next time though, this seems like something that should have been done a long time ago.
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