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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. .. The whole point of debate isnt to flame..
  2. It might help if you bought one of those extra fan things. But I would just send it in, no need to spend extra of your money.
  3. Yea when a map is flooded like this its really hard to make it playable becuase the the host will have a big dasavantage. Next time make something that people can play!
  4. Thats a very good idea, but there would have to be VERY strict flaming rules, like no name calling, only facts and opinions that arent too extreme
  5. ima 46 in swat fattwam, me you and some other people sometime.
  6. When might we be able to expect this vote or update?
  7. Since the "article" was written in 3rd person ("the team") Im guessing its some xbox live website or something
  8. Im a 46 in swat, use to be a 47 but i got screwed over w/ a horrible team like 3 times in a row. Id be happy to help you sometime fattwam. Although i havent played it in a while.
  9. Probably from MS.com or something, that is good to know though
  10. He was below the death barrier when he did that.
  11. Personally I know that I could never play on a keyboard as good as with a controller. I hope this game does come out because then you could just use your 360 controller w/ your pc. I hope it does a map editor would be SWEET for halo 3!!
  12. If its for an elite, definatley the second.
  13. LXV Grizzly


    Just looks like some sentinals and you stacked crates... Make something more playable next time. Good Luck!
  14. Big team I think will be the easiest, i have somewhat of a team together and we basically never lose. Ill ask to see if you can join us fattwam. We are all going to try and get our 50s in it
  15. Wow only on Vista? I think that would eliminate a LOT of people becuase most people (in my opinion) havent gotten vista yet... O__o
  16. Wrong Section. Needs to be moved.
  17. LXV Grizzly


    ... I thought that when you spawn w/no gun it auto spawns you w/an AR
  18. Are you talking about the invisable barriers? Use Forge 2.3, it gives you the option to switch stuff for them.
  19. Wow thats pretty good, I wanna get a 50 in objective. I would think lone wolves would be the hardest though..
  20. Yea thats happend to me before too, but I really dont know how to explain it Im just guessing its a connection thing or just a glitch.
  21. Ive never heard of that, and I'd think that by now we would have if it was true. But i guess there is always a possibility...
  22. I know im going to get flamed for this, but im going to save a lot of people some time. These mods are just a bunch of EXTREMELY random HOST ONLY scen stuff. And none of it is playable. Im sorry to say that but I did say that I would be back if it was random and host only stuff. Next time try to make something that people besides the host can enjoy. Keep modding and make something playable. Good luck! - LXV Grizzly
  23. Really sorry to hear that, ill keep her in my prayers
  24. LXV Grizzly


    This map is awesome. Its so much better than halo 3's crappy flood mods. I hope soon that people start going back to halo 2 modding.
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