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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. LXV Grizzly


    First of all I hope you are sure its not a virus. Secondly for you to say " oh im not gonna help anyone else, but could someone help me learn to resign" isnt going to get you a lot of help.
  2. Well, you could go to code junkies and see if they will mail you and xport. Or you could just buy one off ebay.
  3. yea, but your modded map isnt released, and all he wants is links, not just info
  4. Dont just keep all your modded maps. If everyone who could mod did that then where would we be, what fun are mods if you cant play them, its just modding to say you can mod, its stupid. If you dont want to be banned then just put them on your share for like 1 hour, or if you dont even want to do that than just share them in customs. Just dont post them in the bungie forums and you (if you play it smart) wont get banned. for example mxrider.
  5. I dont really have a problem with leakers, as long as they give credit where credit is due.
  6. I wish people would stop putting stupid clones in good maps, all it does is make it less playable for a real game. Yea they were cool the first week, but its really old.
  7. seen these before...
  8. Yea redstar, flooded avalanche has been released for a few days.
  9. And right now its almost impossible to get a con resigner, so your gonna have to know someone who has one to get your maps signed
  10. When they ban your key pair what exactly happens?
  11. lol i think thats lots of explosions from the mines
  12. why dont people read the thread, why would you download this if you have 2 people telling you all it is, is lag. There is no ghost of foundry this is a fraud, and its really old too so im really not sure why you bumped it back up to the top but w/e
  13. Yea, right now you cant do that much with gametype mods.
  14. Hm.. hope they are playable, i dont think ive played on any of them so ill have to find out when they get released. I think they are real though.
  15. Could that possibly happen to this site? Also why would someone want to hack them?
  16. Um.. never download something that everyone is looking for and cant find becuase beleive me searching "con resigner" on google was probably one of the first things people did.
  17. Thats cool, nice job
  18. Yea, but you need a dev kit to play them, so there pretty much useless to 99% of the community. I still like seeing the pics though.
  19. Wow another random mod ! YEAAAH
  20. Looks pretty good, keep it up!
  21. Wow thats pretty cool ( and seems hard) but ill give that a try
  22. Um.. cool, but i do think ive seen that before but nobody posted it so glad you shared it with others.
  23. Thats really cool, but i would never have the time to do that lol good job though i guess w/e
  24. Hm... well since you can forge on this it could make a cool rocket race level i suppose, idk it still seems to random to me but w/e
  25. Glad to see that some of them will be released, otherwise this thread would be absolutely useless
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