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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. The invisible maze sounds like a pretty good idea. Youd have to make the oddball 2 hits though, otherwise itd be easy to camp. You dont need modz for that though
  2. yea you mentioned that..
  3. um... thanks for the update...
  4. Thanks, that helps a lot!
  5. Yea and then your gonna have to wait tell you get a dev kit wich can cost 1000 dollars, so we'll keep our thumbs crossed.
  6. Sounds like a decent idea, actually you might be able just to use the map you like, place more weapons you want to change to mods and then do it from there so its the same layout but with mods!
  7. Thats too bad, i dont have xport or xsata so i wouldnt know, but im gettin it soon!
  8. What is an RS account?
  9. well he said they would be so lets see if he follows his word... i dont think we are going to see them for a long time though
  10. sweet action thanks!
  11. Glad your releasing it, hopefully you will just put it on your share for an hour or something, but interlocking is not an "advanced" forging technique, its standard. Geo merging would be more like an advanced technique
  12. lol i knew i had seen it from somewhere.
  13. Well first of all ebay is safe, use paypal and your insured from up to i think like 1000 dollars worth of stolen money. But someplace like gaminglagoon.com would be your best shot. they have you take serveys for a while and then you get free stuff with the points you earn from each servey.
  14. hm.. they look alright, not too playable. And i guess its just ive seen stuff like this before. Minus the mud on the pit, but only connection host can see it.
  15. LXV Grizzly

    Modding help

    Fredrick, its not that hard, just read around, also im pretty sure you dont have a resigner.
  16. hm... well, if there are any openings ill be glad to help, im on quite a bit so c ya around.
  17. Yea ive seen lots of things about getting out of crows nest, nice job though, good vid
  18. Wasnt that the one that was released a LONG time ago?
  19. There probably is somewhere, but it depends on what your interpretation of the word "free" is. If you mean without paying money than your best bet would be a website like gaminglagoon or something like that where you fill out stuff for points and then cash it in for stuff (games, xbl memberships, microsoft points) and other stuff too.
  20. What exactly will you trade?
  21. lol thats funny somebody would take the time to make that lol
  22. Wow, your pretty good at that, ive seen some of them before, good job at taking the time to do it though!
  23. This has been out for a looong time, why is it just being posted now?
  24. IF bungie was really planning on banning all the modders who make maps like you claim, then why havent all the famous ones been banned? To me it doesnt seem like there banning to many people lately
  25. Me and my friend have been playin doubles, and weve gotten a ton of people to quit. Some of the time we didnt even get to 10
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