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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. Why would you want the tools if you wont be able to do anything w/ them, most probably ever.
  2. On the Bungie update they basically told us not to expect anything like this... People need to see the differance between wants and reality.
  3. Yea just mod the picture of al pacino from scarface up there lol
  4. Here ill retry. "This is the best map ive ever seen. I will love this map forever and always keep it on my harddrive. There is no possible way to improve. You are my personal hero. Never change."
  5. This looks like a really fun racetrack! I just hope its not sloppy.
  6. Two swords would be cool for like 10 seconds.. I guess it could be fun tho
  7. What do you mean "They" have a .map resigner?
  8. Thanks snail!
  9. Love it, looks absolutely great. Nice bridge thingy lol
  10. Like you said the grass does look kinda wierd. Over all i like it. Shooting spartans is ok i guess... how fast do they come out btw?
  11. I dont know why but i love that smg. Looks really good. I think i hvae seen this on another thread before though, im guessing this is just an updated version.
  12. LXV Grizzly


    Wow, nice, its all like sci fi-ey or something. Looks like it would be fun w/a big party
  13. Yea, it would be nice, but id rather be able to mod like this tahn to forge.
  14. Looks good i guess. Wish there were some vehic mods or something, but nicely done.
  15. booo no weapon mods.. those are my favs... looks great tho
  16. This looks extremely awesome. The only problem is its 20 MB and it takes my computer a lifetime to DL that cuase my internet is slow. Once i upgrade im getting this
  17. ...why
  18. Someone should make a Virus total program, just like the website, so that we dont have to upload it to the internet everytime we want to scan something
  19. LXV Grizzly

    H2 dune mod

    Itd be nice to see some pics
  20. Wow this video is spreading like wildfire. If this is really just rats nest then im doubting a map maker...
  21. Looks good, i wish you hadnet taken down half of the level to put up those walls though Also the lights make it hard to see it seems like. Keep up the good work though.
  22. "focused on preparing a larger series of changes to Matchmaking for September." Im pretty sure its just bungie having fun
  23. Well, it could be a new level, or a new "game" that is the map editor.
  24. Yea, this is probably bungie just playing around w/ there programs. I dont think there going to let us edit the .maps... Im assuming that you got this from ***** sins, so I really dont know much more about it than that.
  25. That was REALLY funny. You should definatly post more of those
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