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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. When you die, would that just restart the game or end it then, becuase Im not sure if campaign has respawn points..., but after you changed it to be played in custom could you mod that usermap and play it?
  2. Any rumored release dates? Nice post btw
  3. Wow nothing like host only mods with clones. This looks like one of those original mods. Not playable at all. Next time dont make 100 random rings and clones, its not fun for anyone.
  4. They arent going to listen. Really, if they say it in their update, you think their going to listen to one "petition"?
  5. While Bungie does be decietfull sometimes they rarely flat out lie. And on top of that I doubt there going to listen to this cute little petition.
  6. woopsy, i thought that someone else was
  7. Please dont flame pepy diablo, if you knew what you where talking about then you would have the same opinion. and why the hell would i care if people sign in?? Someone asked bungie in an update a week or two ago when they were going to make a blood gultch remake. Do you want to know what they said? They said "never" If your to blind sighted to see this than at least dont flame and call me retarded. And you didnt make the thread so you really cant tell me not to post on it if i dont sign in. The way I see it I have the right to post as long is 1) I make an intelligant post that is worthwhile 2) The maker of the post OR a moderator has said not to post if you arent going to follow a certain procedure. None of these have happened.
  8. Bungie already said that they are never going to make blood gultch for halo 3, id give up they arent going to do it.
  9. Bascially you just restated what i said, with the claim that you knew a bungie employee and that there are scarabs in the background of assembly. Also, this bungie employee was perfectly fine w/ you modding?
  10. Bascially you just restated what i said, with the claim that you knew a bungie employee and that there are scarabs in the background of assembly. Also, this bungie employee was perfectly fine w/ you modding?
  11. In there latest update bungie talked about new banning, I wonder if it has to do w/ modding? Im guessing so.
  12. LXV Grizzly

    2 questions

    How would you mod halo 1, Ive wanted to know if you can, but i cant find any of the tuts. Do you know of any or could you make one?
  13. It is so, and according to halo pedia, there is going to be like 5 or 6 new maps when this mythic pack comes out in disk form. One might include the new Sandbox or Forge 2.0. Thats all from halo pedia
  14. Yes im using a 360, thats how i got it to work! I would recomend trying CMR if your having problems, if your not keep using CMR_2
  15. I was doing it right both times. The reason that made me use a differant resigner is that when i was resigning a certain map w/ CMR_2 it had an unhandled exception that CMR didnt. Then i tried it w/ the old map and it worked!
  16. Ok i think i can fix it, use CMR not CMR2 and then change the on the right to the map sig. That should work
  17. I have a 360, that might be the problem, and yes all im doing is renaming it, im not using the converter, (I have tried that to)
  18. Ok, this is what i do, i get the file and patch it, then rename it, then i resign and transfer but it never works, i just wonder if its just this mod or what
  19. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=229 Already posted a few days ago, so sorry for the doulbe post but nothing was done. Thanks for all the help!
  20. So you mean, use the converter, and then just keep it lockout.map? Please explain
  21. Ok, I dont know why, but it wont work, it says that the map failed to load even when i use the map converter pro and all that stuff on a 360. Does anyone know what the problem is?
  22. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=229 Please fix this link Thanks!
  23. Im sure you will get 100's of these but id like to help
  24. Ok, so an iso is basically just an image on a disk. I have a 20 gb hd from the pro 360
  25. How do you flash your 360? What is an iso?
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