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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Hey, i'm new. <3
  2.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Oh, what a way to let me down Sounds good
  3.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Err so just don't use it at all lol, it's not like needed, not nessassary for the board is it?
  4.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Lol, i'd make it hourly. Some people post very good content, and lots of it... If you done it daily/12 hourly you could only really give them credit for one thing, not all of it.
  5. Yeah. Lol.
  6. Can I haz that background? Its teh sex.
  7.  Dan

    Midnight taggin

    Jake, seriously... You are getting good! Personally I like V2 as like most others I like those lines. The whole thing is good IMHO, this is your 6th tag right?
  8.  Dan

    [Request] Saw

    Yeah should be OK, thanks
  9.  Dan

    [Request] Saw

    Probs get more people being able to find it here, but if the staff want to, feel free to move it.
  10.  Dan

    [Request] Saw

    Hey, I was wandering if anyone has safe DVD rips of all of the Saw movies: Saw 1 Saw 2 Saw 3 Saw 4 Saw 5 If anyone knows the wereabouts of a decent rip please post it here. Saws found: Saw 1 (no) Saw 2 (no) Saw 3 (Yes) Thanks KD your a beast Saw 4 (no) Saw 5 (no) Thanks so much, if you get me one, +rep to you on IPB 3 Thanks again!
  11. I'm just gunna get it for the Mythic Map Pack... Stuff the game lol
  12.  Dan


    *Waves white flag*
  13.  Dan


  14. Sounds good to me, admittedly I have posted links before, but yea... It was wrong. Thats the problem here, too many people are very immature, and only a few are actually mature, and decide to help people. Some of us such as Me, Fatal Error, Korupt Data (not saying were the only ones) all like to mess around a bit, just to keep the place lively, but when someone asks for help, we usually try to help them in any way, shape or form.
  15. I *insert insane word here* love Saw That was just wierd, listening to that you can imagine Saw lol, I mean you can see it in your head. Saw wouldnt be Saw without the music. Good find
  16.  Dan


    Lol, teh song, dumbasses.
  17.  Dan


    Cannot Be Displayed Nuff said.
  18.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Sligshit just got owned. @On topic. I still can't wait for the update, I get to keep meh VIP
  19.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Lul, it's from B.net... Which is probs were sligshit stole it from lol
  20.  Dan


    Yeah, i'm in the UK, Smoki is in Australia and other users and in the US.
  21. Add me on MSN or AIM My details are belowwwwwwww.
  22.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Soundss good, can't wait
  23. O Hi. Yea, I pwn cheese.
  24. Aww, it doesn't start until sunday in the UK. Sadface
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