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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Post a map, ima take a look.
  2. Lol, I pwn.
  3. Link?
  4. Mine had like 5 lol. I must have stole 2 of yours, mauhahahahahahahahaha.
  5.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Yeah, thats what I was thinking lol
  6.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Err, I doubt it, that would be kinda like .map modding wouldnt it? But I don't have Far Cry 2, i've only played it, so I havnt a usermap file.
  7.  Dan

    Gift for teh Dom

    Have you still got the PSD? If so, remove that smudge/brush along the bottom, and post
  8.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Yeah probs, but why would you want too? Edit: Woo, 400th Post!
  9.  Dan

    Gift for teh Dom

    Im liking this tag, although I prefer your previous one, midnight tagging, that was proo. KUI!
  10.  Dan


    Lol, what a retard.
  11. Thanks for this, you would have thought bungie would have done this as default in Halo 3, it looks so much better. I'll be sure to try this tut out, thanks!
  12.  Dan


    Rofl, Gothopotamus. Made me lol.
  13. Wow, just epic wow.
  14.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Has the name/ color been chosen yet? Elite VIP? and that 1337 blue color that I chose. You know, this one!
  15. Cannot Be Displayed
  16. Cannot Be Displayed This was yesterday
  17. Niice gameplay, Yeah also a little laggy for me, but mehh thats WMM for ya. KUI
  18. Lol, thanks... Might make another random poll
  19.  Dan


    I know it's a bit late, but im still up for it if anyone else is. Just add me on XBL
  20. Well, right now im sooo bored, so... Cheese? http://www.hatsinthebelfry.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/cheesewedge_300.jpg Antelope? http://www.mccullagh.org/db9/10d-17/male-antelope.jpg Discuss.
  21.  Dan

    If i..

    Not modded porn? Oh yeahh, thats sexyyy.
  22. Lol, I can finally watch all these! My old comp was too crap to watch anything really Nicce, and good editing.
  23. I vote Anth0ny, purely because he was the first H3 modder I ever heard of
  24.  Dan

    New Style.

    Lol, someone stole HB's white specs Im loving the second one
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