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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Lol, Someone should close this, its post boosting rofl
  2. Therefore solving the problem. Although I still say username.
  3. Hey babe. Lovelovelove
  4. Username please, Maybe you could use either, i've seen sites that you can use either on.
  5. Ohh, Yeah I stole it from my sister after mine broke lol
  6. Wow, the quality is amazing. Why is it so jumpy? (On HD)
  7. Lol, same with that one you gave me for the M1A1 on COD 5
  8. As in valuble i think. Here's some: 1. 1990 Nintendo World Championships: Gold Edition (NES; NTSC-U) Copies Produced: 26 Estimated Price: $10,000+ 2. Kizuna Encounter (Neo Geo; PAL) Copies Produced: Less than 12 Estimated Price: $10,000+ (Complete) 3. 1990 Nintendo World Championships: Tournament Cartridge (NES; NTSC-U) Copies Produced: 90 Estimated Price: Around $4000 4. Pepsi Invaders (Atari 2600; NTSC-U) Copies Produced: 125 Estimated Price: $1200+ (Complete) 5. Bangai-O: Prize Edition (Sega Dreamcast: NTCS-J) Copies Produced: 5 Estimated Price: Undetermined 6. Stadium Events (NES: NTSC-U) Copies Produced: 2000 Estimated Price: $1000+ (complete) 7. Air Raid (Atari 2600; NTSC-U) Estimated Price: $3500 (Loose) 8. Virtual Bowling/SD Gundam Dimension War (Virtual Boy; NTSC-J) Estimated Price: $1000+ (Each, Complete) 9.Atlantis II (Atari 2600; NTSC-U) Estimated Price: $1000+ (Complete) 10. Metal Slug (Neo Geo; NTSC-U) Estimated Price: $1000 (Complete) 11. Bubble Bath Babes (NES; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Complete): $500+ 12. Mine Storm/Mine Storm II (Vectrex; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Loose or Complete): $500 13. Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (Atari 5200; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Complete): $500 14. Myriad 6 in 1 (NES; NTSC-U) Copies Produced: at least 888 Estimated Price (Loose): $350 15. Magical Chase (TurboGrafx 16; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Complete): $225 16. StarFox: Super Weekend/Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartidge (SNES; NTSC-U, PAL) Copies Produced: SSW - around 2000; DKCCC - 2,500 Estimated Price (Loose): $200+ 17. Congo Bongo (Intellivision; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Loose or Complete): $300 18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Master System; NTSC-U) Estimated Price (Complete): Up to $200 19. Psychic Killer Taromaru (Sega Saturn; NTSC-J) Copies Produced: 7,500 Estimated Price (complete): $235 20. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega Saturn; NTSC-U, PAL) Copies Produced: 10,000 Estimated Price (Complete): $175 There...
  9. I just comment then leave it, unless someone replies to my comment lol.
  11. Err, i've only had stuff off my parents so far. GH4 - With drums Random shiza, Ripleys believe it or not and Guiness book or records 2008 Some other stuff aswell, not worth saying lol. Im getting Mirrors Edge and Saints Row 2 off my Nan, and Gears 2 from my Auntie
  12.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    Lol, duh.
  13.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    This is you apparently http://www.absoluteanime.com/gundam_seed/athrun.jpg
  14.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    Gurdd Lad.
  15.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    No, go to bed young one, who is the same age as me lol, well maybe older.
  16.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    Apparently so.
  17.  Dan

    Merry Christmas

    Its my birthday? Yay, Ima Jesus.
  18. iTz Christmas for us UK members Still 5+ hours left for everyone else
  19. Lol, nice... Looking forward to more.
  20.  Dan


    Dude, why aint you on the GFX team? You iz Pr0.
  21. Yeah, it was like 3 weeks ago, I like to know whats happening on the site. Just go @#%$ yourself, you little freak of nature, you are no help to anyone or anything
  22. And if you read updates you will know that we are getting one...
  23. Not official as of yet, but there are some here; http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showforum=56
  24. Err, I like it lol. The musics a bit 'gay' though.
  25.  Dan

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