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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Sorry The only thing that I could suggest is to use some unconventional methods that can be found online. Try google or youtube.
  2. Why not?
  3. No you wont.
  4.  Dan

    Epic Win!

    Isn't that when we were getting dos'd lol?
  5. Lol... Cannot Be Displayed Theres more here: http://www.youtube.com/user/failblog
  6. Thanks for the share, I dunno if i'll get the game though.
  7. Lol, funny You should make some more
  8.  Dan

    Ds Roms

    Your PC needs to have a M3 card reader, thats what DS's use.
  9. Sorry for this, but... Well said
  10. Ohh, is it now? Then i'll be using it everyday
  11.  Dan

    ohhh ooo

    Haha, that made me lol.
  12. Wow, never noticed this before, probably just a typo.
  13. Orly?
  14. Why are you posting pics of your mom on a forum, thats wierd.
  15. I like teh cookies, just not the hippo.
  16. Lol, theres 5 songs if you watch the whole thing.
  17. Well thanks But teh pic, Ugh lol...
  18. Wow, watch this... It's amazing, and the editing well, $%#^%# hell. Cannot Be Displayed Watch in HD.
  19. I don't actually know why were with them, spose its because I can get 4.5MB connection, and everyone else who lives near me can only get 2.5-3MB.
  20. Sounds pretty cool. Doesn't look like a feature i'll use much though.
  21.  Dan

    Hey can anyone

    $5000 Sources My Head Random Guess
  22.  Dan

    2 New

    I like them both, although they both have way too much negative space on the right. I think the 1st tag would be better with a diff stock, one that blends better.
  23. AOL Ftw.
  24. Yep, no guarentee that it will work... It could just ruin your disk, it sometimes works, then other times it will just break your disk.
  25. Spray, stick would just mess the disk up lol.
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