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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. http://www.coinfacts.com/small_cents/indian_head_cents/1869_cent_obv.jpg
  2. Lol, I always read the update, every single week
  3.  Dan

    Present for DSS

    I like it... It's funky.
  4.  Dan


    Yeah, my true post count is 10,938.
  5.  Dan


    Joined: 26-July 08 Pwned.
  6. Orly
  7.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Uhh I can't see the staff area, were is it?! Jokes.
  8.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    No, it should be this color
  9.  Dan

    BAN T3AB4GG3R117

    Lol V3N0M if that was aimed towards me... Sevenshit sux huge dick, I would never go there. EDIT: Phew, Look down.
  10.  Dan

    BAN T3AB4GG3R117

    You spammed to get VIP, you spam 24/7. Yeah it was a fail that he was trying to get the passes though.
  11.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Yaa, teh pass is a bugger The pr0nz is teh pro section.
  12.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Is this both? I need both.
  13. Windows XP Prooooooooooo. My dad just likes the classic theme lol. Random bump toooooooooooooooo.
  14. Yeah, I don't know why, you just can't put any more than the specified amount, like 4 warthogs, 32 mini crates etc.
  15.  Dan


    You enjoy spamming, lots... Yeah horde is really easy, you know... when your at level 50. My ass is it lol.
  16. Why don't you just use a new main account?
  17.  Dan

    Far Cry 2

    Both, same base map, Just place ONE item on ONE of the maps, say a car, or boat.
  18. Sorry, this makes me lol.
  19. I wanna see it Is it being shown in 3D in the cinemas'? Cuz' it is over here.
  20. Wow, I can't wait... Is this coming in the first part of the map pack? In March.
  21. Good job, although the text isn't very good. Try adding some effects
  22.  Dan


    Lol, our form tutors PC. ^^ and a terrabyte HDD
  23.  Dan

    Not him!

    Oh Teh Nosssss!
  24.  Dan


    Anyone know were I can get a decent laptop for like $300? Lol, and I have to be able to get it in the UK.
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