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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Yah it has nothing to do with apple it's just at&ts shitty network they relesed a software update to allow the signal strenth to be more accrute but tbh they should not be complning to apple here in the uk iPhone 4 is being reliced on 02 which provides network to 75%+ phone users so it's the biggest in other words there network is exclent and I bet we won't have the same problem
  2. Sure 1 sec http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/51a86586.jpg
  3. So I just recived an email from ms giving me free 400ms points code it worked wondering If anyone else recived the code cause I need anothe 400 to buy a map pack and so pm me the code if u don't want as I can't buy points as it's an amercan account and I live in the uk
  4. @justice redbar is the one whom has been ddosing the site
  5. @dakote someone is selling a jasper devkit in the uk u should buy it
  6. Only way to mad online is with a jtag and your just wasting a kv to rank up
  7. Lol someones in trouble edit btw peaches you might wanna remove that pic the ip's can be easly read
  8. Yup but there are alot of good people out there and the ones who sell there "work" are just holding the community back. Btw when are you releasing it?
  9. I ment to a company:(
  10. Looks good you could probbaly sell this.
  11. Wow that kid needs to get a life! I hope he gets caught and his parents take away all technology away from him
  12. Dam 400 is alot but a mac would be about 4 times that if u think u can get the money for a mac go for it but they won't have high enough performance as you might want so I guess I'msaying is upgrade rather than buying a mac
  13. World of Warcraft lol jk someone had to say it
  14. for some reson on the iPhone you can't see all the comments left on a status can it be fixed? Maybe other devices have a simalar issue maybe a better skin is needed for the phones http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/8fe5edc3.jpg
  15. I also have a rrod xenon jtagable and a broken mobo if anyone is intrested
  16. @Dan Yes but your old xbox has to be non hdmi pm me we can work out a deal @ Lockon I can't rember but it can make you bleed with metal bbs and give you a walt with regular I think it's like 600 or 6000 but it's sold I can get more but you will have to wait I can get a fully auto mp5 but the thing that hold the mag Is broke or a perfect condation m14
  17. New shit added check it out
  18. What they need to do is proper beta testing like give away 10 consoles to hackers modders and hardcore gamers to find all the bugs exploits and stress testing that way they can make improvments before the console ***** up and end up like xenons if Microsoft only realesed jaspers they wouldn't have lost billions in running reapers in europe out of 33million jaspers sold not one rrod so they did sumthing right eventually
  19. It's not funny this is serious first thing you wanna do is is what peaches said call up your credit card company and tell them you haven't authorised any of those purchises and the company should cancel any further tranastions and hopefully refund the money spent on your account. Then call up ms support and provide them with the credit card number which is more than enough info for them to get your account back and make sure you complain about them not suspending the account and allowing the hackers using the credit card.
  20. Bump bbgun and White controler sold adding more stuff now
  21. What's wrong with modio and what's not wrong with 7sins
  22. That's not 6a&b it's the last one about other sites
  23. jmdalmighty

    Jtag Shop

    He does nothing special he reflows it which can be done by a heat gun and then does hybrid xclam fix which is just doing sanding the pegs down to 3mm nothing that anyone else can't do.
  24. 6a and b contridect each other
  25. jmdalmighty

    Jtag Shop

    I'll see ltr if the if the guy I get the falcon off is trustworthy I'll see how much he sells them for
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